Session 30 (10. 04. 2019) in Tychell | World Anvil
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Session 30 (10. 04. 2019)

The following morning after their encounter with Dal Zarma, Telum Veritas began moving towards the Tail. Having no other leads, they opted to head to Sshilcass and try to pick up Newmont's trail there. Vincent had a talk with Vivienne and Violet, and asked them to accompany the party on their journey. Not wanting to be left alone after Violet's horrific torture at the hands of Dal Zarma, they agreed.   As the group marched along, the forest began to change around them. The chatter of animals dwindled, and the plants were turning red. Aella flew up to take a look around from above the treetops, and discovered that a strange effect resembling Makuba's blood curse was spreading from a blood red dome far away in the direction of Sshilcass. Fearing the worst, they hurried on.   A few hours later, they arrived at the Tail and to their horror, discovered that the river had turned to blood. Hundreds of dead fish and other animals floated in it, and the stench was unbearable. On the other side, the group noticed three dire beavers, but they looked strange. Bloodied, their veins bulging obscenely.   They tried to sneak away, but the beavers noticed them and attacked. Soon, some horrible abominations emerged from the river as well. After a brutal battle, Telum Veritas was victorious, but in light of this encounter, their situation seemed worse than ever.


Kim Brade (Dave)

Lia Caerdonel (Fanni)

Carthigan Amadeus Banio (Fred)

Aella (Selo)

Gunter (Bart)

Vincent Benedict Stanton III (René)

Viktor Vanadium (NPC)

Vivienne (Fred)

Violet (Fanni)



The Tail

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