Twilight of lume Twilight of Lume Timeline Timeline
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Twilight of Lume Timeline

The First Age

  • ???
    The First Age of Creation
    Era beginning/end

    More of a religious distinction than a practical one, the First Age marks the beginning of all things, as the grand gods began to arrive.

  • ???
    Arrival of Mava
    Religious event

    "First was Mava. Born of a plane beyond planes Her arrival beget existence, from which all things followed."

  • ???
    Arrival of Reina
    Religious event

    "Second came Reina, and Her light flooded the nothingness, filling it with bountiful life."

  • ???
    Arrival of Yaradicil
    Religious event

    "Third came Yaradicil, and with His being all worlds were born, new and wondrous."

  • ???
    The First Age of Destruction
    Era beginning/end

    This era marked the beginning of the endless divine cycle of creation and destruction that would forever guide Lume's future.

  • ???
    Arrival of Karas
    Religious event

    "Fourth came Karas, and His strength caused the worlds to shudder and be made old and weathered."

  • ???
    Arrival of Maranam
    Religious event

    "Last came Maranam, and His touch closed the cycle of being. And so all things began."

The Second Age

  • 0

    The Second Age of Creation
    Era beginning/end

    The Second Age was a time of incredible wealth and progress - or so the legends say. Almost no records of these times remain.

  • ~100
    Creation of the Lesser Gods
    Religious event

    The grand gods needed servants to aid them, and so the other gods came into being.

  • ~500
    Creation of the Mortal Races
    Religious event

    Crafted by the gods, the mortal races begin to fill Lume.

  • ~7000
    The Second Age of Destruction
    Era beginning/end

    This events of the Second Age are all but forgotten, as the clashes of the gods nearly destroyed the world.

  • ~7000
    Odos Descends Upon Lume
    Disaster / Destruction

    As God of Souls, Odos had been tasked by Maranam with the collection of souls after a creature passed away, a task Odos took great pride in. Unfortunately, this pride slowly turned to obsession and Odos craved ever more souls to ferry to the afterlife.     This obsession culminated in Odos descending upon Lume with the goal of slaughtering all life so that his twisted desires might finally be sated.

  • 7000


    Clash of the Divine
    Religious event

    Witnessing the destruction brought about by Odos, the other gods took action. But though they all wanted the same thing, they could not agree on how it should be done, and they came to blows.

  • ~7500
    Maranam Strikes Down Odos
    Life, Death

    With the gods unable to stop Odos and only making the situation worse, Maranam took it upon himself to slay the mad god. Odos was slain with one mighty blow, and Maranam forever branded him as the God of Murder. The quarreling gods were cowed by this show of strength and ceased their fighting, bringing peace to Lume.

  • ~7500
    The Divine Accord
    Religious event

    After seeing what chaos their actions had wrought, the grand gods agreed to remove themselves from Lume. Leaving for realms beyond, they took with them the gods and titans that served them.

The Third Age

  • ~8000
    The Third Age of Creation
    Era beginning/end

    With the gods gone from Lume, the world begins to recover as civilization rebuilds itself from the ruins of the Second Age.

  • ~8500
    Construction of the Underneath Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Despite the Divine Accord, Saema, God of Elemental Earth, was unwilling to abandon his favored creation - the dwarves. He secretly visited Lume to build the Underneath, a world below the world where the dwarves could live in safety forevermore.

The Sixth Age