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A mermaid( Merfolk, Merman for males) Is a beautiful aquatic creature that has the torso and face of a man or woman,(Not to be mistaken for a siren) Mermaids are known to have beautiful voices that would attract sailors to them. Eventually, Mermaids evolved and now have legs when they are dry and on land, but morph into a mermaid when their legs touch the water. Mermaids can either be helpful and kindhearted or evil and mischievous, depending on the location. Most Freshwater mermaids are friendly while saltwater mermaids are more likely to be mischievous. Those types of mermaids are called sirens by many people, however, a Siren refers to a creature that is half-bird and half woman who lured sailors to destruction by the sweetness of her song. Mermaids are sometimes associated with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks, and drownings. The conception of the siren as both a mermaid-like creature and part bird-like persisted in Byzantine Greece for some time. Physiologus began switching the illustration of the siren to that of a mermaid, as in a version dated to the 9th century. Whereas the 10th century Byzantine Greek dictionary Suda still favored the avian description. Some Mermaids live in colder climates and thrive off freezing water.   Many other cultures have different names for mermaids. Irish mermaids were called Merrows. Oceanids, Nereids, and Naiads, while not exactly mermaids, are extremely similar creatures in greek mythology. The Chinese name for mermaids was jiaoren, which meant "Shark people," Ningyo is likely the Japanese equivalent, however, the description of Ningyo is not close to mermaids. The appearance is more of a female head attached to the body of a fish, while mermaids are described as beautiful creatures with the torso of a woman. It was said to have a pair of golden horns, a red belly, three eyes on each side of its torso, and a carp-like tail end. Ningyo may fit more into the category of yōkai. The Neo-Taíno nations of the Caribbean identify a mermaid called Aycayia with attributes of the goddess Jagua and the hibiscus flower of the majagua tree Hibiscus tiliaceus.

Basic Information


Mermaids have the body of a beautiful woman but have a fishtail instead of legs. Some mermaids can morph from mermaid form to human form. Their tails are very bright and sparkly, the most common colors are blue, green, and purple.

Biological Traits

Fishtail and fins instead of legs. Bright Sparkly scales. Mermaids are known for having long beautiful hair that they comb by the waterfall. Beautiful Youthful appearance, the hypnotic singing voice used to lure sailors to their deaths.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mermaids can reproduce the same as humans, just don't ask how. Please, for the sake of our mental health.

Ecology and Habitats

Mermaids reside in huge bodies of water, most common being oceans/sea, rivers, lakes, etc. Waterfalls and underwater coves are a mermaid's favorite locations to hang out with friends.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A mermaid's diet consists of ocean/sea-related foods such as seaweed, small fish, and other sea plants or bigger fish like fucking whales.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Ever since that one movie, some people actually believed that mermaids were being kidnapped for their tears. People are weird, I know. While the concept of mermaid tears has become popular, they are merely an idea and have yet to make it to the marketing business. Mermaid blood is a popular drink among elven people.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mermaids are obviously found in large bodies of water such as the sea, ocean, huge lakes, and rivers. You are more likely to find mermaids in the Caribbean, near the tropical territory, but there quite a bit of mermaid in the Arctic tribe.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mermaids are extremely fast swimmers and can breathe underwater. They can grant this power to others for a short amount of time. They can also temporarily turn others into Mermaids for 24 hours. A majority of mermaids have the power to understand and speak to other sea creatures.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Female: Katrina, Dakota, Morgen/Morgana, Atlas, Aqua, Ariel, Azurine, Cordelia, Cora/Coraline/Coralina, Malia, Misty, Melody, Daria/Doria, Delmare, Electra, Ava, Adella, Nerissa, Nixie, Alana, Amaris, Aqua, Arista, Aurai, 
  • Male: Triton, Kai, Caspian, 
  • Last names: Stormblade, Nereide, Dauphinami, Melodia, Mamoris, Anemone, Nori, Wakame, cuttlefish, Neptuna, goldtail, Sirenia, Merlancia, Aquavort, 

Beauty Ideals

Long hair, bright and colorful tails. Beautiful singing voice

Average Technological Level

It's kinda hard to have technology underwater...

Major Language Groups and Dialects

English, Arctic tongue, Spanish, Japanese,

Common Dress Code

Many mermaids usually wear revealing clothing made out of underwater materials such as clam shells. They also use various underwater plants as hair accessories.


Legends of fish/human hybrids have existed for thousands of years. They appear in Mesopotamian artwork from the old Babylon period, although they were depicted as a merman. The first known stories of mermaids appear in Assyria in 1000 BC. The Greeks and Romans later tell tales of underwater gods/goddesses such as Poseidon/Neptune. sailors often brought back stories of encounters with mermaids, claiming they saw beautiful young women with long, flowing hair perched on rocks and singing alluring songs to passing ships. If the sailor falls victim to their charm then the mermaid will cause a shipwreck and drown the sailors. Some Mermaids will get close and maybe kiss the sailor before retreating back to the waters.   Mermaids appear in British folklore as unlucky omens, both foretelling disaster and provoking it. Several variants depict a mermaid speaking to the doomed ships. In some versions, she tells them they will never see land again; in others, she claims they are near shore, which they are wise enough to know means the same thing. Mermaids can also be a sign of approaching rough weather,

Common Myths and Legends

There are many myths and legends about mermaids. Greek mythology has a ton. In southeast Asian culture, there is a story of a mermaid who is the daughter of a king. The mermaid tried to spoil a god's plan to build a bridge and falls in love with him instead.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

There are many stories of Sailors falling in love and marrying mermaids. Some mermaids look down upon marrying a human as it means leaving their home in the water.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Weight
Average Physique
Mermaids have slim and fit bodies. This is likely due to the amount of swimming they do. If you see or hear of a fat mermaid I 100% guarantee you those are manatees.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mermaids have bright-colored, sparkly scales on their tails. The most common colors range from green to blue. Blue tails are more common amongst mermen.
Geographic Distribution

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