Vestfort Plains Geographic Location in Troenn | World Anvil
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Vestfort Plains


General Description

Vestfort Plains, also known to others as the 'Grasses of Fertility' is a place commonly traveled to by many fey creatures when they are first coming to the Material Plane to settle. Whether it be due to the blossoming flowers that dot the landscape or the earth which is soft as silk, the plains are a natural habitat that has been safeguarded and watched over by the fey folk for millennia due to its bountiful nature. In fact, the area itself has become considered as the place where ambassadors of the different fey courts will come to the Material Plane in order to make bargains with mortals.


There are few types of normal animals that frolic around the Vestfort Plains, such as rabbits and small birds. This is, in part, due to the fey-like nature that surrounds the area from the frequent use by fairies and sprites. From their continuous use, it has made the area not only blossom more beautifully but also created an increasing desire for copulation by some animals which already do so in spades. Due to this, there are many little bunnies jumping about and small birds can be seen in the few trees that dot the area, but they have overwhelmed it and made no room for other forms of animals to live there.   Some scholars have, in fact, argued that the Vestfort Plains are the prime reasons why certain animals have an instinctual need to always try to copulate while others believe that it is from a natural progression of the animal through time.


Not to be outdone by the animals that live within Vestfort Plains, the plains themselves are a host to a variety of many different types of rare flowers, as well as a few trees that can only appear to exist within the plains area. For instance, the maxima alba is a large, crystalline-like white tree that has only ever been found in the Vestfort Plains. It grows without any leaves and appears to be similar to a large, branching horn from a deer from a distance. Besides this, there's also the fraxia, a flower that flutters almost like a literal flame. While being both rare and extremely deadly, the pleasure it gives to the victim beforehand is unlike anything else.

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