Errant, Common Ethnicity in Triumve | World Anvil
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Errant, Common

Even the average Errant is a very varied individual, both in physical appearance and socially, although they all have claws, scaly skin, a snout and a tail of some sort.   Errant Racial Traits
Standard Racial Traits
Ability Score Racial Traits: Errants are large and strong and very observant but their unique societal structure and reliance on their instincts often makes it difficult for them to relate to others. They gain +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma.
Size: Errants are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Errants are Humanoids with the saurtara subtype.
Base Speed: Errants have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Errants begin play speaking Common and a single dialect of Tarish. Errants with high Intelligence scores can choose from any other language available to their background.
Defence Racial Traits
Instinctual Mind: Although not as ruled by their instincts as most saurtara, an Errant's strong racial instincts make them resistant to certain magic, giving them a +2 racial bonus on saves against Enchantment spells or effects.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Counter-balance: An Errant's powerful, muscular tail is a very effective counter-balance making them deceptively agile for their size and bulk when performing certain athletic feats. This gives them a +2 racial bonus on swim checks and on acrobatics checks to maintain their balance.
Offence Racial Traits
Clawed Limbs: An Errant's tough nails allow them to rake and pierce as well as bludgeon, giving them the option of dealing piercing, slashing or bludgeoning damage with their unarmed strikes, although they must still possess the Improved Unarmed Strike feat to make an unarmed strike without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Saurtara Scales: An Errant's tough scales give them a +1 natural armour bonus to their AC.
Senses Racial Traits
Scent: Errants have the Scent special quality.
Other Racial Traits
Multitalented: Errants choose two favoured classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.
Encompassed species

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