Milford Dunning Character in Trilands | World Anvil
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Milford Dunning

Milford Dunning, the third of the Dunning children, stands apart from his siblings by choosing a path divergent from the military, a decision that incurred the ire of his father. From a young age, Milford showcased exceptional skill with a sword, honing his abilities in the art of dueling and fencing. His prowess was such that he even managed to best his formidable sister, Laura, in a duel, though such victories were few and far between.   As he grew older, however, Milford's passion for the battlefield waned, wearied by the physical toll and violence it entailed. Instead, he turned his focus to the realm of finance, where he found an innate talent and insight. His financial acumen proved instrumental in expanding the family business and increasing its profits. Despite this evident success, Milford's choices left his father deeply disappointed, deeming him a failure and a black mark on the Dunning name. Though hurt by his father's scorn, Milford adopts a lighthearted and humorous approach to the situation, using sarcasm and wit to cope with the weight of his father's expectations.   He embraces a cheerful and jovial demeanor, even in the face of adversity, and possesses a penchant for making dark jokes or poking fun at his own expense. This sarcastic nature serves as a coping mechanism, allowing him to maintain his composure amidst the disapproval he faces. However, beneath his light-hearted façade, Milford can occasionally experience moments of moodiness, revealing a deeper layer of vulnerability that he guards closely.   While he may not have followed in the footsteps of his siblings, Milford accepts his choices with a certain resilience, refusing to let his father's judgment define his self-worth. He finds solace in the financial realm, knowing he can make a valuable contribution to the family business and carve out a unique path for himself.   Milford Dunning is a character characterized by complexity and wit, a young man who bravely navigates the pressures of familial expectations with a sense of humor and a determination to find his own place in the world. As he continues to embrace his distinct path, he may discover the strength to forge a legacy that stands on its own, defying the constraints of his father's disappointment and making his mark in the ever-changing tapestry of the Trilands' world.


Laura Dunning

Sister (Important)

Towards Milford Dunning



Milford Dunning

Brother (Important)

Towards Laura Dunning



Lucas Dunning

Brother (Important)

Towards Milford Dunning



Milford Dunning

Brother (Important)

Towards Lucas Dunning



Lucas Dunning (Brother)

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