Gerald Dunning Character in Trilands | World Anvil
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Gerald Dunning

Gerald Dunning, the eldest of the Dunning Children, stands as a stoic and considerate leader, embodying the best qualities of his father's legacy. Following in his father's footsteps, he joined the military at a young age and steadily rose through the ranks to become a respected captain. Unlike the brashness of some military leaders, Gerald's style of leadership is one of quiet authority, preferring to lead by example rather than with loud commands.   His strategic mind and quick wit mirror those of his father, and he values the importance of a well-laid plan in any endeavor. Always observant and methodical, Gerald formulates strategies and decisions with a focus on the easiest and most direct route to success. His soldiers admire him for his unwavering dedication to their well-being, as he places himself on the front line, sharing the risks and hardships with his troops. The respect he shows for his soldiers' lives earns him their loyalty and trust.   Gerald's tall, blonde-haired appearance is a shared trait among the Dunning Children, marking him as a member of the renowned family. As the eldest sibling, his sense of responsibility has always been strong, even in his youth. He protected his siblings from their father's anger and expectations, acting as a shield for them during difficult times. This sense of protection and care has garnered him love and admiration from all his siblings, fostering a strong bond of trust and support within the family.   Despite the weight of responsibility he carries, Gerald maintains a sense of humility and a deep concern for those around him. He is beloved by both his family and the people he encounters, as his considerate and compassionate nature leaves a lasting impact on those he interacts with. He has earned the respect and admiration of his fellow soldiers and leaders alike, leaving a legacy of leadership and integrity that echoes through the ranks of the military.   In the face of expectations and challenges, Gerald Dunning stands as a pillar of strength, guiding those around him with wisdom and compassion. His commitment to leading by example and his deep sense of responsibility have solidified his place as a beloved leader and protector among both family and comrades.


Laura Dunning

Sister (Important)

Towards Gerald Dunning



Gerald Dunning

Brother (Important)

Towards Laura Dunning




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