Haimania Geographic Location in Traveler's Guide To Pandysia | World Anvil
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The Continent of Haimania is home to three nations and surrounded by water from all sides.


The contintent of Haimania includes 3 vastly different climatic and georaphic zones. The rough and hilly terrarian of Nordmark in the north, the dry and salty desert of Pandysia in the middle and the graslands of Elysia.   It is believed that parts of Pandysia were once the ocean floor, as the lands there are lower than the rest. It would also explain the amount of salt and limestone to be found there.   In the west, two big mountains seperate Pandysia from the sea. Scientists argue that is was once one mountain that was split in half due to tectonic movements, this would explain the shape and the river that runs through there middle and splits half of the land like a deep crack.   Pandysia and Elysia are seperated by a dense forest, that keeps the winds from eroding more of the lands.

Fauna & Flora

Nordmark has many coniferous forests, as well as sturdy bushes and graspatches sprinkelt among the mountainous landscape. Most notable animal speciies to be found here are black bears, mountain goats and wolves.   Pandysia has very little fauna to speak of, especially in the main desert. Most plants here are adapted to the high salt concentration in the groudn similar to seawater plants. In the vicinity of the mountains in the west Pandysia has more ferile ground often used for farming. The ground here is higher above sealevel and has less salt concetration. The Animals living in Pandysia have adapted to the hostile enviroment and have developeted unique survival mechanism and strategies. Many animals can hide in caves and holes underground or gather water from even the smallest sources.   The lands of the Elysia Kingdom in the south are maybe the most fertile in all of Haimania. Dense forstes and large graslands provide food and shelter vor a large number of domesticated and wild animals. Amongst them are sheep, cows, brown bears, wolves, foxes and wildcats. Elysia is seperated from the sea in the south by high chalk cliffs.

Natural Resources

Haimania has large quantities of iron and silver ore, wood, salt, lithium, potassium nitrate, sulfur and chalk. For more specific information please refer to the articles about the individual countries.
Owning Organization

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