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Support the Toy Soldier Saga!

Don't panic, you're not lost! You've probably just tried to access some hidden content.

Hey there, starfarer! Looks like you've sailed into Airts that are only navigable by our Patrons.

  About 90% of the Toy Soldier Saga's content is absolutely free! We want you to enjoy our world, and we want to make it as accessible as possible.   That said, we gotta make a living.   Our worlds could not exist without the help of our Patrons. They fuel the cost of this site. They help me to continue to write my stories, and they help Erin to design his games. So if you'd like to access that content, we're asking if maybe you'd spot us a few bucks?   I'm only asking a dollar a month. That gets you access to ALL my fiction, as soon as it is posted! $5 gets you all the game content, $10 gets you secrets and hidden content, and $25 gets you insights into my process, special features, and more!  

A Note to Current Patrons

  If you are a Patron and think you should have access to this page, first make sure you are logged in and have used your access code to enable the site features. The access code is in the email you received when you pledged, and you can go to this link to use it. If that still doesn't work, get a hold of me on my Discord or spot me a message through Patreon or Twitter.

Other Ways to Support the Toy Soldier Saga

  Can't commit to a regular subscription? We completely get it. There are lots of other ways to support us!

Join Our Discord

We have a Discord server! If you're interested in keeping up with what we're doing, our friendly little community is the best place to do it. There's no cost, although subscribers get additional server privileges that others don't. Just click on the link here, or use that blue button over on the right!

Shop at Our Zazzle Store

I'm working to make Toy Soldier Saga and Wyrd West merch available on my Zazzle site. Pick up a T-shirt or a mug for yourself! We don't make a big commission on it, but every dollar helps, and you get a cool thing that you can show to your friends (which sparks conversation and spreads the word.) Find the link here or at the big black button to the right.

Buy Us a Ko-fi

I have a Ko-fi site. It's a bit like internet busking. If you like what you see, why not spot us a couple of bucks there? And feel free to ask us for subscriber access that matches your contribution! You can find the link below.

Follow Our Twitch Channel

We're playcasting the alpha test of some of our Pathfinder 1e systems every Sunday night on my Twitch channel. Follow or subscribe to support us! Twitch promotes the channels that have more followers and subscribers, and that helps us get the word out. You can use this link, the bright purple Twitch button over on the right, or check out our campaign page for more information.

Buy the Books

We've set up this site so that our readers and gamers can watch us developing our world in real-time. Our subscribers get to see all of our material before it's even released to the public! That said, the goal, of course, is books. When the books are available, we'll post the links here. (Hint: You can get updates about when they'll be available before anyone else does by joining our Discord!)

Want a Sample Story or Two?

The Queen's Dirk
Prose | Aug 12, 2021

Elven Star-Pilot Shaundar Sunfall wants a chance to prove himself in battle. He's going to get it.

As Only a Soldier Can
Prose | Sep 19, 2021

“What were you really doing in the War, big brother?”

Read More About the Toy Soldier Saga!

Discovering the Toy Soldier Saga
Generic article | Jun 8, 2021

The Toy Soldier Saga is a fantasy space opera universe.

Toy Soldier Saga Series
Generic article | Jan 30, 2023

The Toy Soldier Saga is a fantasy space opera series of forthcoming novels & published and forthcoming short fiction.

Don't forget that you can click on the blue compass on the left to access the Table of Contents at any time!
A Few Good Elves Cover Small.png

Want to read all of the Toy Soldier Saga fiction, even before the rest of the world does?Subscribe now!

Patreon Tiers

$1 Landsman (Beta Reader)

  Get first access to my work! This includes a digital download of every work of fiction I release and your name listed in the acknowledgements, as well as subscriptions to all my serialized series on World Anvil, which I try to post once a week! Feel free to offer your comments! I consider your opinion when I make my final edit. You also get draft chapters and deleted scenes from time to time.   You also get special Crew privileges on my Discord server! Even if you've never used Discord before, it's fun and easy. We've got an amazing little community and we'd love to see you there!

$3 Ordinary Seaman (Audio Access)

  In addition to everything from the first tier, get access to my audio RSS! This might include podcasts, live readings, or streams of our Saturday night RPG. From time to time this will mean an actual professionally produced audiobook as well. I'll throw in the additional audio materials (like my related filk music and playlists) too.

$5 Able Seaman (RPG Gaming & Music)

  In addition to all the benefits of the previous levels, you get access to all the RPG material we create for my worlds, as we're creating it!! We'll be starting with Pathfinder 1e, then D&D 5e, and so on from there.   On top of that, you get one of my Mp3 albums FREE as a one-time gift! You pick which one. I will need to know how to contact you.

$10 Boatswain (WA+, Vids, Behind the Scenes)

  In addition to everything at prior levels, you'll get access to a monthly video where I discuss my current projects, and part of my process for what I'm currently working on.   Now your audio access to my live story readings includes video access as well, in a livestream!   And on top of that, you get a subscription to all the secrets & hidden articles in both of my WorldAnvil universes!

$25 Sailmaster (Book, Classes, Insight)

  In addition to all of the stuff from the lower tiers, I will ship you one print book every year! (Your choice which). If you maintain this level for three or more months I will sign it first.   You also get automatic FREE access to all my online writing classes! This includes anything I do with the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers, or my own Hybrid Writer's Academy, and any other paid writing classes I decide to do in the future, as long as you maintain your membership.   Last, you get special access to Masters' only features of my worlds, such as behind-the-scenes insights into my process, personal notes, and sneak peaks!

$50 First Mate (Library & Personal Access)

  In addition to all of the stuff from the above levels, you get to help shape my worlds! Every month we'll get together in a half-hour Skype or Zoom meeting, and you can tell me what you want to see next! Need more maps? Let me know! Want more game material? Give us some direction! Want to know about secret tribes of the Badlands, or the climate on Goibnu's Teeth? Just ask!   Also, I will ship you one copy of EVERY PRINT BOOK that I publish as long as you maintain your membership! That includes every paper print book and every RPG book. If you maintain this level for three or more months I (and my hubby, for the RPG books) will sign them first.


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