Tousour History of Tousour Timeline
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History of Tousour

  • 8901 AC

    58 Raindrop

    The Founding of Tukambi

  • 1 AR

    1 Seedstrew

    The Sundering
    Era beginning/end

    The most important historical event within Tousour. None truly know the reason behind it, but on this day, the gods that were kept in close reverence by nearly all sapient races of Tousour vanished or were found dead. Theories are thrown around like coins in a market. By today, some have accepted their godless universe.

  • 252 AR

    The Founding of Hökensberg

  • 537 AR

    14 Seedstrew

    The Birth of Ernole Kuhnwulf
    Life, Birth

  • 635 AR

    30 Harvestfell

    The Declaration of the High Elves
    Political event

    The Declaration by High King Ernole that the refugee elves within Hökensberg would be considered citizens under the protection of the High King and the Kensvärten.

  • 640 AR

    The Founding of the Verdant Door

  • 645 AR

    The Founding of the Lunar Orphans

  • 653 AR

    Leereforschungsgruppe Founded

  • 703 AR

    THe Founding of the Grey Foxes

  • 833 AR

    The Founding of Xun-Xiangtang City

  • 905 AR

    Expanding of the Deadpan
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1021 AR

    12 Seedstrew

    The Attack on Firefall
    Military action

  • 1021 AR

    3 Raindrop

    The Closure of the Verdant Door
    Political event

    With the selection of the new Grovetenders came their first decree. Entry into the city would be heavily restricted. Runners were no longer required and the portals were closed. Only a handful of individuals know of the city's location and they use methods of teleportation as a means of entry.