Darkrai Character in Torr | World Anvil
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God of the Nightmare

Darkrai is the unknown god of nightmares from a forgotten age. Those who worshiped it believed that it would protect them from mundane nightmares and purify their minds with truly horrifying nightmares of its own making. The worshipers were not quite correct in their worship methods, however, as Darkrai's nightmares merely reflected the mental states of those who had them.   Darkrai was also instrumental in the creation of the first Pokeballs, giving a prophetic nightmare to the man who would end up making them.   Darkrai had many strongholds, but the location at which it was most venerated was the Rumbling Forest. In the depths of the forest there was a shrine to Darkrai, of which all that now remains is the gate.   Humans were sacrificed to Darkrai in the shrine for generations, by leaving them there overnight, in exchange for prophetic dreams and nightmares to their enemies. The most recent and last sacrifice was Connor, left by his parents in exchange for keeping the giant Pokémon asleep for more time.

Divine Domains

Nightmares, Dreams, Darkness, Memory, Fate

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crescent Moons, Dark Coat + Red Tie + White Hood

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Darkrai is currently imprisoned inside Connor's dreamscape by his parents. They made a deal with Darkrai to keep the Titans asleep, and imprisoned it to make sure it kept its side of the deal, which it would have anyway. By locking it up, they gave Darkrai only a single channel for its power.
Divine Classification
Current Location

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