Savior's Rest Building / Landmark in Tor'Saarn (classic) | World Anvil
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Savior's Rest


Savior's Rest is a massive cavern made through a combination of natural development and excavation and is considered the best example of Astral architecture within the Realms of the Gods. Savior's Rest has been an invaluable source of information for the archeologists of Tiorath on the predecessors of mankind.  


The structure houses multiple rings tiled with stone slabs approximately 2.5 meters long and approximately 1 meter wide at their widest point. These slabs lay flush with the ground. The engravings make the purpose of these slabs clear; they are headstones for the graves of Astral veterans, primarily those who served in The Astral Crusade.   Each tiled ring is separated by a circular path of pact sand, each of these paths connecting to each other through a single linear path that splits the stone rings leading directly from the primary entrance to the center of the structure. The rings form a mound, each ring lifted past the last (it's corresponding path on the inner side remains level with it). The primary path rises slowly to match the change in gradation only flattening where it connects to the ring paths.   There are 12 rings total, all of which surrounding a cluster of statues in the center atop a raised platform. Seven statues sit bowed, head down offering blades toward the center, each depicts a warrior clad in a strange plate. These statues possibly depict the actual size of the warrior, and vary in height from 2-2.6 meters (Estimated as the statues are not standing erect). Amongst them stands a statue far taller than the rest (even if the figures had been depicted standing), that depicts Sar'aan.   Sar'aan stands with a hand outstretched as if to receive a blade, but he is positioned facing toward the entrance and an empty space. His statue stands well over 8 meters tall and is clad in in plate similar to the bowing figures, albeit a much grander form.   Each statue and gravestone is made of a strange night blue stone, and is smooth to the touch. The runes on each grave are inlaid with rose gold, and glow faintly when touched by elemental magic. The armor on the statues seems to be of genuine astral make, and of an extremely high quality. The statues armor is highlighted by veins of rose gold that shares the glowing properties of the gravestone runes.  


Archeological theories and documentation

First landing of the Astrals One of the primary archaeological theories surrounding the site is that it was the location from which the Astrals first emerged on the isles of Tiorath. This theory is primarily supported by the strange magical occurrences of the location, which are theorized to require planar magic to work. Instances of planar magic require some form of extradimensional manipulation, and are most effective where large amounts of organisms or objects have been carried across planar barriers.   Incomplete ritual Some scholars believe that Sar'aan's statue is relevant to some incomplete ritual. Many variations of this theory exist, but all theories cite the unknown purpose of the locations magical properties and the pose of Sar'aan's statue.   Sar'aan's sentinels This is an extension of the Incomplete ritual theory, and believes that either a relic of each individual idolized in the sentinel statues or perhaps even the Astral sentinels themselves are required to complete the ritual. This theory has little evidence outside of the presence of the seven bowing statues, and as such is the least widely accepted.   The most critiqued element of this theory is the assertion that it requires the individuals depicted to perform said ritual, as such an assertion requires the Astrals depicted to have retained their immortality after the crossing, or for a complex ritual to be made with little enough forethought to require a component that can permanently expire. Due to these criticisms most proponents of the theory state only a relic is required, not a living astral.  

Early interactions and discoveries

The location was likely active for a century or so after the arrival of the Astrals on the Tiorath isles, however as the newly developing kingdoms fell into conflict with each other the site was abandoned due to necessity. Over the centuries the site was forgotten, until it was rediscovered in the early first age.  

First age

After it's rediscovery by Tiorathan explorers the site became a haven for pilgrims worshipping Sar'aan and scholars trying to rediscover the lost arts of the Astrals.  

Second age

During the second age the Tiorathan government began funding a great number of archaeological expeditions in an attempt to regain the Astral knowledge of their progenitors in an attempt to regain the perceived greatness of their empire.
Room, Natural, Cavern

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