Arcai Species in Tor'Saarn (classic) | World Anvil
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The Arcai behave in some ways like golems, following their masters instructions until new orders are issued. However unlike golems Arcai have a much greater grasp on the nuances of combat, and are capable of flanking and changing between numerous elemental forms. Arcai have even been known to generate elemental weapons such as swords of Ice or lances of lightning.   The Arcai stand over twelve feet tall (with some specialist forms standing well over 20 feet). They have a smooth crystalline skin that glows with the element they embody, most of which is covered in a deep grey steel shell. The Arcai have four arms, two pairs bisecting from two elbows, leading only to two broad shoulders. Their legs Bisect at the knee in much the same way, each leg pair behaves as a single leg when moving at high speeds and splays apart when the construct needs extra support, such as when engaging in rigorous combat. The head looks much like a thin tower made from the same grey steel of the body, with three tips (one at the back, two at each side). Between the tips of the head is an orb of energy used for sight which glows with the same color of the body.


Although the Arcai are powerful and intelligent combatants they do not (usually) bare sentience in the usual way, having no will of their own. As such, they have not developed a culture.


The Arcai were created to guard the Astrals before the creation of the realms, but most were destroyed soon after their creation by the Titan-Minds. A handful now exist within the bounds of Tor'Saarn, and will likely continue to have an impact on the world as a whole.

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