The Silver Branch Species in To The Left of Us | World Anvil
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The Silver Branch

Silver Branches are a species of tree bred across most of the world. Interestingly, despite their relatively small size, they are extremely sturdy trees and don't seem to die in the shadows of taller species like many trees would. This is because they rely more heavily on magic to live than they do sunlight.   These trees are coloured a matt silver colour, with smooth textured bark broken be patches of rougher, darker silver. Their leaves are slightly shiny and also coloured silver. In the winter months, fruit will grow on these trees, large apples of white silver appearing on their branches.   The largest, naturally grown trees can often mark gateways into the other Realms.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

While they can be planted in any terrain in any country thanks to their reliance on magic, they also have very specific planting requirements. In order for them to grow, they must be planted in areas rich in magic, typically leylines, and must be planted under a full moon.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Silver Branch trees are used extensively in many magic practices, mainly by Druids but Witches and Mages commonly use them as well. Shamans and Warlocks evolved outside of regions where Silver Branches grew naturally, but once travel between countries became commonplace, magic users often exchanged practices. Though many of these rituals and spells do not actually work well for different magic types, the Silver Branch is a highly versatile plant and is now used by magic users of all species and types.   Since the Silver Branch helps facilitate the transfer between worlds, amongst other things, they are commonly used in foresight magic and rituals such as the Western Therianthrope's Ascension. Another common use for them is in Druidic festivals such as Samhain.   In modern times, people from all across the globe grow fields of Silver Branches either for personal use, profit or bringing good fortune, as the trees are said to do.
Average Height
1-2 meters
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Jeremy Bishop


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