Smoke Character in Tio Luma | World Anvil
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The Journey to Bravich

A dragonborn from Drakhian Empire Smoke was born as one of the bastards of Drogak. Smoke's life from early on was full of studying and combat training. @Drogak wanted all his kids even bastards to take strong hold of the Empire. Trained from world history, combat, and basic understanding of magic Smoke was given access to any knowledge and training available. From that Smoke learned a shocking thing, he was gifted in the magic arts and was an adept sorcerer. The shock of this revelation and the ideals of his nation caused his draconic spark to ignite. Learning of this Drogak ordered Smoke to cease his magic and learn way of combat by arms like his siblings. Smoke taking to magic easily refused and entered a conflict with his father. Challenging Drogak too a deal in an attempt to prove his magics might. The duel between Drogak and Smoke was short lived with smoke losing within seconds of the match starting. his father Disgusted by the weakness of his suns magic and the attempts he made to save it banished smoke from the Empire. Smoke left without hesitation hoping to learn about himself and the magic he held. Heading east his first stop was to discover the secrets of the Forgotten Woods a place he had read much about in his travels. The journey there was one wonder as he saw different villages outside the Drakhian capital. Learning of poverty and unfairness of the class system is father placed. He swore he would one day get stronger and vanquish his father. Coming upon the forest Smoke headed into the woods to see what he would find. Unfortunately for poor Smoke the line of no return was not known and before he knew it he had stumbled into bravich with no hope of return.

The Spire

Smoke stumbled into bravich unaware of the changing of power and was one of the first of the Non-humanoids to be cast out of Bravich. During the change he befriended a young owl named Talon. Smoke was the first of The Spire Spire to suggest the idea of a vanguard to protect against the flint family Bravich's Tyranny. Using his knowledge of tactics and warfare. He assembled and started The Six Six. Placing his friend Talon as leader he dedicated his life to The Spire and for years life was a success. He grew in power and renown and through his success he was given a chance by Rowena to raise a child by the name of Garruk Goldmane. He took to Garruk fast praising Garruk for his genius and did what he could to quell Garruks fire. Garruks potrayal was one of Smokes greatest failures. After Garruk fleed the empire he took to quiet staying in The Six's cabin.

The Fall of Garruk

Smoke met William's party at the guidance of Rowena. Doing what he could he heard of there mission to slay Garruk. Helping open there eyes to the world they live in and guiding them towards the Sword of Eternity. Smoke tends to keep himself but he took the party to Ragnorra's grave to introduce them to the threat Garruk poses and what they can do to save The Spire. After taking them to the temple and explaining there mission he went off to defend the spire.

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