Rowena Character in Tio Luma | World Anvil
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A traveler from a far off world. Rowena came to Tio Luma long after her death. She is seen as cold and distant to most with an almsot sadistic humor. Rowena truly does care for her people but believes Life and Death are part of nature and thus will rarely intervene unless the threat is deemed unnatural. Her story is long and still not fully known but she is considered one of the most powerful people in all of Tio Luma    

Coming of the Second Moon 2000 Years before Bravich

  5 heroes were called into a small decrepit house by a small figure. He introduces himself as Theo. Theo called these heroes to his world to help him kill the second moon that has appeared over Tio Luma. He asks for their aid in defeating Atrophal the undead god. Rhogar the Mighty, Hope , Rowena, and Elizabeth, and Sylver . The party will be interrupted from Theo(person)’s lecture on events as the ground shakes as a boom is heard outside. The party will rush outside as they are confronted by two undead ogres.The party will start slaying the creatures but they will keep reviving. Theo will offer to hold them off explaining there is a sword called Eternity that can slay Atrophal. The party runs off towards the forest heading the way Theo explained. As they follow the trail they arrive at a small forest trail as a dragon called starlight arrives. She belongs to hope and is a hope companion. The party follows along coming to a small clearing. There they meet some survivors from the town. The party only gets to talk to them for a short time before the forest is lit aflame by undead demons. The villagers run off as the party finds a sewer hatch taking an old man and his granddaughter with them into the sewers. The party finds carcasses laid around the sewers with random chests that were full of food and clothes. They follow the sewers and come to an illusionary wall. From the wall being disrupted they find mind flayers who point them along wishing them luck to save their world. As the party emerges from the sewer they find dragons conversing among themselves about entering eternity's lair. Rhogar enters and convinces the dragons to survive and they shall venture in. As the dragons leave the party enters the lair. They find a large creature guardian and island in a crystal blue lake. The party only has a moment to breathe before the creature charges them. As the party prepares for battle the creature creates storms and tsunamis as the rhogar falls in battle. The party was able to heal him and bring him back as Sylver claimed her new sword. The party heals and soon leaves the lair. As they leave they find Theo waiting outside the cave with a dark necronomicon that he is using to make a spell circle on the ground. He alerts the party that they will be going to the moon. He will guard the entrance and make sure no parts of Atrophal fall to earth. The party agrees and leaves Starlight hopes dragon to help him. The party arrives on atrophal as the planet reacts to their presence summoning its avatar to fight them. The battle is intense with Sylver and Rhogar falling but are saved as a flash of light from earth revives their hp and brings them back into the fight. But the party wins, they journey down into the planet's core. They find atrophals heart. The heart whimpers like a child crying and sniffling as the party drives the sword into atrophal as a child cries can be heard as the chamber shakes and convulses. The part is pulled from the room back to the portal where a dead theo is guarded by starlight. The Portal that pulled them to this world appears beckoning home. The party chooses to stay becoming this world's new champions.    

The Fall 1980 Years tell Bravich

  The kingdom of Cervo Empire has been born as the crown prince Elijah is now crowned but on the day of his coronation a strange phenomenon appears. Snow like pollen falls upon the earth giving everyone healing like properties as the coronation time is kept. The New Dawn stand proud watching the new kingdom born from the survivors of atrophal. Reports starting flooding in of a comet that has trailed across the sky and as it gets closer the power of the healing grows. The party is pulled into a new realm. The gods of the world wait there and explain the coming threat of Ragnorra an entity born from life that twists and corrupts what it heals. It was drawn by Atrophas decay and they are the last line to stop it. The Magi of Cervo foretold doom if this is not stopped so heroes gather together to find truth. Magi meets with them saying he will send them to council of dragons and nine hells to discover the threat there facing. As he teleports them to hell they fight there way through the swarm meeting the rulers of the nine hells during a meeting where they learn the name of there threat Ragnorra. They are advised that the sword Sylver carries needs to be forged with dragons fire of primordial flame. Asmodaeus_ says they are on there own to gain that flame. The party arrive back in the Magi’s library where he says he knows where to gain such a flame but to hurry tumors have been growing on anyone that the snow has contacted with. The party understand and Magi teleports them to a snowy mountain where they journey through and meet the council of dragons. The dragons advised them of coming threat and that Tiamat and Balphomet are in heated argument near peak and they can provide the fire. The elder Copper Dragon sense kindred spirit in Rhogar and offers Rhogar chance to reincarnate into a dragon after death. Rhogar takes it and heads towards the peak. The party stand there ground and talk to the gods. Balpohmet impressed with there courage forges the blade with his fire and the party head back to face Ragnorra. The party head into the crater Ragnorra created meeting the sac of flesh and chasing it its den. There they fought it as Sylver stabbed her sword into Ragnorras heart as Ragnorra was sealed forever. Rowena used her magic to seal the land where Ragnorra forever and creating memory wipe around it so no one could ever go in and free her. From there gate they meet a special entity who introduces himself as the one above all or the watcher. The party will be given wishes. Hope wishes for place safe for all tieflings. The Cervo kingdom stands but Geralt the kings advisor says the king has died and takes the throne. The rest of the party dissatisfied with his new rule leave to aid world and rebuild it once more.

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