Session 8: To the road beyond! Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 8: To the road beyond!

General Summary

Saying goodbye's, getting awesome stuff, new shit to see, learning about inequality and games to play!   Fought:
  • An archery target
  • Pies, pies pies!
  • Maggie & Ghanok wake up to find Osiris has gone allready. They learn Dusk comes from the village Wolf's Paw, and that he and Dawn are protectors of the druid, along with the wardens of the woods. 
  • They learn that the Eldeen Reaches was a part of Aundair and that during the Last War the Aundarian military put their effort in their capital, leaving the farmers vulnerable. The warden of the woods took up the protetion and this part of the nation split and became the Eldeen Reaches.
  • Dusk brings them to Oalin and they both receive an item as thanks for helping out in the fight against the portal people. Oalin seems a bit better, they are still fighting in the woods, but now they know what to expect.
  • After a few choices Dusk agrees to bring them to Niern, a village just outside of the woods, and they can follow the road to Delethorn, where there will be means of transport, which means they can go to Droaam, or Aundair faster. He tells them to watch out for creatures in the lake near Delethorn.
  • Outside the forest Ghanok recognizes he has been here before, hunting in the woods, but not frequently. 
  • Maggie had weird dreams in which someone tried to contact her, she thinks.
  • Arriving in Delethorn they learn there is a festival there, celebrating the treaty of thronehold anniversary. Ghanok, living distantly and knowing only woods and small villages, is flabbergasted by all the colours, noise and people.
  • Ghanok catches quite some eyes, as Goliath's aren't frequently seen.
  • Ghanok asks for directions and meets Ki, a warforged man. They receive a pamflet about warforged for equal rights. They learn from Ki that this world is mostly dominated by humans and elves. Maggie sees a mark on the back of his hand, which turns out is a dragonmark symbol. They learn the dragonmarked houses are very powerfull. Ki tells them they have a meeting tomorrow evening about the equal rights and invites the party to come, if they want.
  • They ask about a few shops and Ki offers to show them around the town the next day.
  • It's festival time! Ghanok and Maggie learn were the Inn is (the naked peach) and take part in a archery contest (which maggie wins), pie eating contest and arm wrestling (ghanok is now the armwrestler champion) and a drinking game in the inn.

Rewards Granted

Ghanok Gigandregh : Goggles of night
Amitola Maheegan / Maggie : Pearl of Power (ring)   50 gold for winning the drinking game
25 sp for winning the archery game

Character(s) interacted with

Alice the archery and armwrestling orc
Todd, who had a very tough day
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
06 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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