Session 6: Into the woods Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 6: Into the woods

General Summary

Bears appear and shift into 2 beings who take you with them to a clearing with a druid who is... a tree?   Fought:
Zombies wrapped in tree-roots
  • They learn the house has appeared here before, but they don't know who is in it and why it appears and dissapears
  • The bears are twins, Dusk & Dawn. They take Ghanok & Maggie with them to the clearing in which different kinds of creatures built a open community. Looking around it appears there has been a battle, with wounded being treated. In the middle stands a big, old oak with a row of children in front.
  • Oalin, the great druid of the woods, appears to be a great old oak tree, and he tells the history of The creation of Eberron, which seems to be a ritual to tell the children coming into their older years.
Conversation with Oalin reveals:
  • They are in the continent Khorvaire, area of the Eldeen Reaches, in Greenheart. In the Eldeen Reaches live a lot of shifter and druid tribes and their there is a connection with the fae.
  • They are near the mountains over which the Demon Wastes lay. Oalin knows of a clan of goliath's who live in the mountains, and Ghanok reveals that is his clan.
  • Oalin is sick, leaves are falling and a rotten black stroke is seen in his bark.
  • Information about memory loss and retrieving that might be found in Aundair, where Arcanix a school for arcane and magical is.
  • Ghanok speaks alone with Oalin and later reveals to Maggie that his father has been in Greenheart talking to Oalin, and left behind an item which Oalin gave to Ghanok.
  • Maggie talks to Oalin and later tells Ghanok that she's been here before and is quite far from where she's from. She was somewhere near Thrane. For answers about a personal question she learned she could go to Aundair or Droaam.
  • Maggie remembers the The Last War and Treaty of Thronehold, remembering Droaam isn't a part of the Treaty.
  • The route out of the woods is figuring the path out themselves, or getting help from one of the commune, if they can help in return to defeat black magic users who have taken up multiple spots in the gloaming, which is the reason Oalin is sick. Ghanok & Maggie are sent to a warden of the woods, Gunsalor, who connects them to a healer; Dusk who've they met before. He will take them into the woods in the morning to battle a part of the invaders, after which he will lead them on the path to Droaam, which Maggie & Ghanok decided to go to
  • Before sleep Ghanok tells Maggie he's going to focus on the item he was given by Oalin, a black shard with smoke-like wisps running trough it. Focussing on the shard he's pulled out of his body and feels the state in which he hunted and fought being activated, and slowly it begins to feel like his skin hardens. He notices he's more on edge, feeling more angry and reckless than before. Just before awakening a he feels a sigh and feels a deep sense of relief. The next morning he shares this with Maggie. (shard +1 AC, risk to go in reckless mode without choosing)
  • Start adventure in the Gloaming, battling zombies and skeletons.

Rewards Granted

Ghanok Gigandregh Receives one black, glass-like shard, with wisps of smoke running through it. Finds a rusted key, 1 short bow.   Amitola Maheegan / Maggie Found bones and 7 cp
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
10 Jul 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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