Session 11: The almost death of Peaches Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 11: The almost death of Peaches

General Summary

So much smarts, becoming one with your stuff and being ambushed in the middle of the night!  


  • 2 shady figures who almost killed peaches!


  • Finished searching the ship
  • Ghanok found a rune with under it the text: House Lyrandar
  • Found another note!
  • Investigated some of the stuff you found
  • Maggie attuned with the gauntlets she's been shucking around for soooo long!
  • The saving of Peaches! Thank the gods for healing potions!
  • Ghanok being fabulous with a javelin and piercing not one but two! squirrels!

Rewards Granted

Amitola Maheegan / Maggie 
Potion of greater healing
2 bottles of alcohol
Food equal to 3 days of rations
Potion of healing
5 ep - 10 gp - 5 pp
Identified item: Driftglobe - Gauntlets
Attuned to: Gauntlets
Ghanok Gigandregh 
Adamantine breastplate
Pixie music box
Book: the last hooray
Lovenote with 1 copper piece smelling of perfume
10 gp
Investigated 4 rings: Tourmalin, Black pearl, Aquamarine, Topaz. - non-magical


Gods, this trip is horrendous. We just got out of the jungles of Xen'drik and we lost half our crew. We have seen wonders in the temples we found. But those wonders were hiding terrible, terrible things. I have questioned if we even got out. I have prayed to the Traveler and he has answered me, he led the few men that were left out of the jungles and returned us to our ship. We have found nothing of use... Gods... what a waste....
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
31 Aug 2021
Primary Location

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