Session 10: So pun worthy, the ki-notes Report in Tinkering | World Anvil
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Session 10: So pun worthy, the ki-notes

General Summary

Getting new job offers, warforged history lesson, so much puns, naming some horses and investigating and fighting in a frickin burning ship!  


  • Apparantly an elemental thingy who was quit powerfull and had resistance to so much!


  • Conversation with Dalin d'Vadalis, who had 2 job offers:
    • Find the crashed airship near Varn, check out what happened, if there are survivors and if you can salvage anything. Keep the coin, but bring back the maps and other valuables. 300 gp up front, 700 gp when finished
    • Find missing house member in Sharn, Breland. The member was investigating a dissapearing and reappearing house. He came from Droaam and arrived in Sharn, but dissapeared thereafter. Find what happenend and find the missing house member, alive or dead. 700 gp up front, 3300 gp when finished.
  • Warforged equal rights meeting, where Ki asked you to keep an eye out for missing warforged
  • Figured out there are so much possibilities for puns with the name Ki.
  • Accepted both job offers from Dalin and set of towards the crashed airship
  • Got some horses who you named Peaches, Mannie & Skallywag.
  • Ghanok shares some personal info about his past
  • Found the airship, part of it in flames. Went inside, figured eh.. who cares about the flames, and set out to find good loot!
  • Found a bunch of stuff and notes, and finally found (what later appeared to be) a elemental who broke out of a glass sphere and attacked the box in front, where Ghanok just opened it spreading a cloud of poison in the process.
  • You fought the elemental and after some heavy hits you remembered that a blue shard came out of the box, which seemed to be the first focus of the Elemental. After a slippery start you destroyed the shard, after which the elemental calmed down, shrunk in size and flew away.
  • One of the players totally didn't almost die while someone else was playing his character, nah-ah.
  • Osiris found the hold where the fire was brewing and also found a couple of barrels with water. With some team effort, and a sneaky alcoholic barrel in between the water barrels which caused some damage, you put the fire out, revealing 2 small flaming hands of unknown origin. Maggie deducted these might be elementals as well?
  • Ghanok sees stuff other don't see? Quit a mystery what happened there.
  • Found some more stuff and a note and went to a well deserved sleep

Rewards Granted

Sending stone connected with Dalin d'Vadali
Amitola Maheegan / Maggie
Glass orb
Bag of holding
Black hooded cloak
Necklace with a clockwork-like mechanism
Wooden statue of a humanoid hooded being
Pack of cards with intricate images
Map of Xen'drik
Detailed map of Khorvaire
Deck of cards with intricate images
Book: History of Eberron
Book: Fiery days beyond (romance)
Potion of healing
2 golden bars
Small golden bracelet
80 cp - 15 sp - 130 ep - 125 gp  
Ghanok Gigandregh
Ointment 2 bottles of alcohol of medium quality  
20 cp - 5 sp

Missions/Quests Completed

Accepted quests:
  • Search the airship, find what happened and return with what you find. Keep the money, but show me the rest - 300 gp received, 700 on completion.
  • Search for house member of d'Vadalis in Sharn, Breland - 700 up front, 3300 on completion


Note found on body
Gregory, as you know we use elementals to power our ships, but they are temperemental and quit picky in who they allow to fly with them. On this note I need you to find other ways to power these ships, or we will be doomed to be a small aircraft business that could be so much more. Find them or find a fix for those wretched creatures! L.  
Diary entry
It has been seven months now since we left the homelands. My crew and me are searching the lands for new possibilites and answers to power our ships and I think father has other plans for them as well. He wants me to do things, no matter what, but I am questioning the right to use these creatures or any other. We have roamed the lands of Xen'drik, fought our way out of Aerenal and braced ourself to walk into the Mournland. We have finally found a new possibility, I hope they are better than the elementals we use? I have quit bonded with the one who helps me drive this ship, even though it can't communicate in languages, I feel it understands me.. and while I can't sail without them my consience is nagging at me. I tried to broach the topic with father but he will not listen. I am questioning if we should return at all.. or try to find our own way to lands or planes unknown. Who knows...    
Warforged speech
Friends, acquaintances, newcomers and enemies.. welcome and thank you for coming, thank you for opening your heart and mind to at least hear us out.   We are here for the equal rights of all, small or big, made or born. We warforged were created in a time of terror and sadness. We were created to be and do what was asked of us. In that creation a higher power stepped up and gave us a mind and heart of our own.   Newly born as we were, we knew nothing less than to follow the people who said they created us and owned us. We knew nothing else than that our purpose was to fight, to die. While we know not if or when we die of natural death, enough of our kin have fallen in the great battles of the past.   It was only after the war, after the terrible happening that was the Mourning, that we became our own people. Disgarded by our owners and creators, we were left to fend on our own, while not knowing how. Distrust and anger was met on every corner, with a right so, I do say. We know that for outsiders we were only the metal beasts that killed so many, slaughtered for others.   Only in this search beyond we have discovered we can be more than fighters. Some of us love the arts, some of us sings magnificent songs. Some of us have found a new love in nature. And yes, some of us are still warriors. But we now know, and can decide, for ourselves. Can decide if what we fight for, is something that we stand for.   But we need to stand together, and spread awareness, to be able to be the ones we were supposed to be. Such is for us, but also for you and for every race that has murky beginnings or smaller groups. Rights should be for everyone, not for some. It is something that is important to stand for, not only when you feel like it.     While we spread awareness and would like to have conversations about equal rights, I would like to ask you to keep an open mind. If a new warforged comes into town, don't send them away or start with anger. We understand the distrust and it is something we have to live with for now. But get to know us. Give us room to pay for our own rooms, for our own needs. Give us room to do our jobs, just like you would any other.   Thank you for coming and listening, it is much appreciated. If you have questions, be welcome to ask or to come talk to me after this is done.
Old Eberron Campaign
Report Date
28 Aug 2021
Primary Location
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