Gae Maranth Character in Threa | World Anvil
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Gae Maranth

The Guardian of Life

Gae Maranth is the principal Netherime revered through Aronbor in the relgion of Gae'irism.   During the Netherzine wars, Argiel (now Argiel'zine the Corrupted Scourge) wrought violent destruction and Necromancy across Aronbor. Maranth led armies against him and defeated him, imprisoning Argiel in Carceran.   Argiel had still managed to curse and corrupt several towns and even a large city so thoroughly that the undead could not be cleansed, going so far as to rejoin broken bones and reassemble destroyed bodies. Maranth created a magical barrier surrounding the cursed lands, trapping the undead inside.   For these deeds, he was named as the first Gae'ir (or "Revered" in old Taran), Gae Maranth the Guardian of Life.
Divine Classification

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