thudain empire Organization in Tholian | World Anvil
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thudain empire


the empire is ruled by a council led by the forge-king. In the council is several other masters who deal with different parts of the realm. These include the warmaster, the trade-master, the coffer-master, the rune-master, the crafting guild leader, and the protector. The warmaster deals with military actions, both defensive and offensive. the trade-master deals with matters of trade such as organizing caravans, planning their path, deciding what goods will be traded, and more. the coffer-master deals with the countries main economy, handling banks, rewards won from war, recourses gotten from trading, and any other valuables gotten. the crafting guild leader is the leader of the crafting guild, a major organization in the empire who makes the countries armor and weapons. the rune-master oversees the capturing and harvesting of elementals. the protector leads the countries secret police, dealing with interior threats. because of the protectors bad reputation, they are never an official member of the council


The thudain empire is one of might makes right. to them, strength is all that matter no matter the end. elementals and nature are just another tool to be captured and forced to work. if they worship any gods, it is only for the possible advantages. they are very aggressive and take great offence to any insults made toward them. as well, they believe themselves to be superior to any others.

Public Agenda

The forge-masters have all promised one thing: glory for their people, with everyone else serving them. The Politians promise that for all the cruelty of nature, it will be the flandiric elves who will be ruling nature. all elementals they meet will bend the knee willingly, or be forced to work .


The home of the thudain empire is very mineral rich, from the most common ores to ores rarely seen elsewhere. The area has many enslaved elementals, forced to work and often fused directly into the workplaces of the thudains. the thudains have a very extensive army, being one of the largest, however have no ships of any kind. they have massive forge complexed designed into making weapons and armor, having the most of those 2 of any empire. the thudain empire does not have many natural animals in its area.

Demography and Population

around 60% of the empire is made of the elves. the other 40 consists of captured members of other races and captured elementals. only the elves hold all the land, with the prisoners staying in big cities so they can be safely guarded. the elves have very low death rates after 30, often living until 200 unless killed by not natural causes before that. the birth rate is however very low, pregnancy taking double the time it would for other species, as well as a high infant mortality rate. as well, they have several artificial constructs they have, who do not have any defined birth or death rate


The empire has long since expanded from its territories, having expanded and caused mass damage to the forests and mountains nearby, being torn down for recourses and colonized to eventually make more cities. constant fighting still happens as the natives rebel and the military goes to capture elementals.


there are 2 main military forces in the thudain empire, the ironblades, and the secutaris. the ironblades is the proper military force, sent out to defent settlements or attack enemies. the ironblades have great variety in their equipment, each squad having a set role. the secutaris is a police force, sent to deal with problems in their boarders. in the ironblades stands out a group called the ascended, the elite of the thudain equipped with armor and weapons with the very souls of elementals in them.

Technological Level

This civilization has learned much tech about optimizing their forges. as well, they have unprecedented tech about elementals and runes. they alone know how to capture and put the souls of elementals into objects, giving them advantages in military force. even the regular civilians live good with the power the regular runes grant them.


the thudain are very anti-religion, believing that there is nothing above them or greater then them that they have not enslaved before. although some individuals may worship, it is not common, but not illegal.

Foreign Relations

The thudain empire is very aggressive toward other organizations, only trading or doing important diplomatic matters with other groups. they are only truly friendly with the zetherain houses as they are the main agricultural providers to the thudains, and are utter enemies with the northern bulwark, refusing to trade, and only interacting when forced or about military matters.


among their laws, stealing, destroying another's property, interfering with another persons work in a way that causes actual damage, killing outside of a duel, or interfering with the forges or any other governmental property, are the major crimes one can commit. many more minor crimes exist, ranging from abandoning an oath without reason to actions that would interfere with another's education. the secutaris are in charge of the rules, having a group of men in charge of announcing any new rules in city and village squares, as well as written copies existing in the major cities and in the hands of the judges. punishments are often harsh, but not debilitating, with only murder and interfering with the forges being crimes worthy of death, with even stealing being only a finger lost. even the council may be subject to the laws if they break a major one.

Agriculture & Industry

the thudain are very industry based, with it being a major part of them. their forges are a major part of their cultures, producing weapons and armor they use and sell. many of their laws revolve around maximizing that efficiency as much as possible. however, they have barely any agriculture, relying on others for that.

Trade & Transport

the thudain have many rudimentary roads, not advanced, but enough to get the job done. these roads are traveled by carts drawn by the constructs they make instead of any natural animals.


there are no education organizations in the thudain, all the thudain youths being taught by the parents or other adults. however, there is also nothing hindering them from seeking other knowledge, like how to properly read and write beyond the basics, after they have grown. otherwise, they are only taught what they need. the average education is high compared to most, but quite poor in standard, most only being able to read basics and any thing they would need to read for work. Writing is even rarer, with only officials being able to write often. Because positions are given purely off skill, the disparity between classes does not differ much between educations, besides motivations and other factors that might inhibit or help education to a family.


although its forges and military is very advanced, other civilian infrastructure is not often the most advanced. they have rudimentary roads, and no sewage, sewage being thrown out into to nature or burnt. while they have defense towers and walls, neither are particularly advanced compared to other nations.

our hands shape the elements

Founding Date
100 AEC
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
the forgehome
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
the empire uses small iron coins called gifts for its interior transactions.
Major Exports
the thudain are the main exporter of weapons and armor, selling it to many other nations. as well, the thudain also sell runes towards others for a very high price in return.
Major Imports
The thudain are heavy importers of organics, relying on imports for all their food. As well, they also are known to import more rare ores from others.
Legislative Body
the council and the forge-king are in charge of the rules. a majority vote must be reached among the council, before it is given to the forge-king for his approval. if it unanimous in the vote, it will pass without the forge-kings approval needed.
Judicial Body
the judges of the secutaris are in charge of carrying out the laws. they have permission from the forge-king to go anywhere they need to in the empire to do their duties.
Executive Body
the militaristic arm of the secutaris, led by the protector, enforces the laws. they are very zealous in their business, going after any infractions they see, minor or not. they have permission to go anywhere, private property or not, and use any force needed in pursuit of a dangerous criminal, a fact that has been abused many times before.
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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