The Church of Cranes Organization in Therenia | World Anvil
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The Church of Cranes


Above all others is Alexus, god of the cranes. Alexus does not rule as a king, but rather gives advice and guidance to the faithful, hoping to lead them to walk a righteous path.

Serving Alexus directly are the Listeners, who listen for Alexus' divine words, and disseminate them among the faithful.


Before Alexus came, the monastery of the cranes existed for a century as a humble church on a serene hill, and the monks tended their farms and traded produce for the few goods they could not make for themselves.

In the spring of ER 54, the old master of the monastery, Afon Vel, passed from this world and left the institution in the care of Alexus. Retiring from travel with the Exalted, Alexus returned to the monastery and declared it (and the surrounding countryside, including Lowboar) to be a sanctuary, under divine protection.

ER 54, when The Six opposed the Queen of Demons, Alexus welcomed those who were most vulnerable into the monastery, and offered them refuge. When the Succubus Queen's agents, terrifying monstrosities, came to burn the land, Alexus offered them one chance to leave. The demons refused, and began their assault on the monastery. Alexus left all priests inside to protect the faithful and the strangers alike, and single-handedly stood against the demons. The Abyss-spawned creatures died, one after another, until the remaining few fled before Alexus.

This event put the monastery on the map, and made Alexus' faith known to the world, but still the Church of the Cranes grew only slowly. Like their patron god, Alexians are patient, and prefer to let their actions speak for them.

Mythology & Lore

Alexus staked a claim over Western Heigarth, and fought against incursions on their domain. In time, the Crane God’s legend spread, and many sought refuge within the monastery's walls. Anyone willing to work for the good was accepted, and Alexus took them all in, like a crane spreading its wing over its chicks.

Tenets of Faith

Alexus is a protector first and foremost, and followers of the Peace Giver broker no harm to come to those under their care, and strive to fight against violence and injustice whenever possible.


Daily meditation is the bare minimum among Alexites

We spread our wings and beliefs

Founding Date
45 BEU (worship of Alexus begins in 1 BEU)
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Followers of Alexus

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