Thedas Geographic Location in Thedas | World Anvil
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Thedas is a continent in the southern hemisphere. The word "Thedas" originates from Tevene, once referring to all lands beyond the Tevinter Imperium and eventually, it came to encompass the entire continent. South of the continent's Korcari Wilds lies the mysterious Sunless Lands.


  • Anderfels - a kingdom in northwestern Thedas
  • Antiva  - a kingdom in eastern Thedas
  • Elvhenan - the ancient elven kingdom
  • Estwatch - an island stronghold
  • Ferelden - a kingdom in southeastern Thedas
  • Free Marches - a confederation of city-states in eastern Thedas
  • Nevarra - a kingdom in central Thedas
  • Orlais - an empire in southwestern Thedas
  • Par Vollen - an island in northeastern Thedas controlled by the Qunari
  • Rivain - a kingdom in northeastern Thedas
  • Seheron - an island in northern Thedas
  • Tevinter Imperium - a country in northern Thedas
Oceans and Seas
  • Amaranthine Ocean - in the east
  • Boeric Ocean - in the north, surrounding Par Vollen and the Seheron archipelago
  • Buried Sea - located in the Uncharted Abyss beneath the Deep Roads
  • Colean Sea - between the Anderfels and Seheron
  • The Frozen Seas - southeast of Ferelden
  • Nocen Sea - north of Tevinter Imperium, including the Ventosus Straits
  • Sundered Sea - on the southwestern edge of Orlais
  • Venefication Sea - between Rivain and Par Vollen, including the Northern Passage leading to the Amaranthine Ocean
  • Volca Sea - west of the Anderfels
  • Waking Sea - between Ferelden, Orlais, and the Free Marches
  • Lake Calenhad - in Ferelden, also the largest in Thedas
  • Lake Celestine - in the Heartlands of Orlais
  • Lake Luthias - a small lake south of Lake Calenhad
  • The Sulfur Lakes - south of Orlais
  • Arl Dumat - a volcano between the Hunterhorn Mountains and Gamordan Peaks
  • Mount Daverus
  • Frostback Mountains - separating Ferelden from Orlais
  • Gamordan Peaks - in southwestern Orlais
  • Hunterhorn Mountains - in western Orlais and between Orlais and the Anderfels
  • Vimmark Mountains - in the southern Free Marches
  • The White Spire - in Antiva
  • Arbor Wilds - in southern Orlais
  • Arlathan Forest - in the Tevinter Imperium's far east
  • Brecilian Forest - in eastern Ferelden
  • The Donarks - a jungle north of the Anderfels
  • Korcari Wilds - in southern Ferelden
  • Planasene Forest - in the southwestern Free Marches
  • The Tirashan - in western Orlais
Deep Roads
The Deep Roads span the length and breadth of Thedas, which connect the countless thaigs of the dwarven empire. However, after the empire's decline, the last four major kingdoms of the dwarves are the following, though only two are still inhabited.
  • Gundaar
  • Hormak
  • Kal-Sharok - inhabited, located deep beneath the Hunterhorn Mountains
  • Orzammar - inhabited, located beneath the Frostback Mountains

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