Antiva City Settlement in Thedas | World Anvil
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Antiva City

Antiva City is the capital of the nation of Antiva and is a major port city and center of trade.


Antiva City is both beautiful and deadly, much like many of its denizens. A romantic location known for its wealthy port and robust trade, as well as the wine that is the country's main export, it also houses danger and intrigue as the base of operations of the Antivan Crows, a notorious and world-renowned guild of assassins, spies, and thieves. Due to its connection to the Crows, Antiva City also houses the Crows' Archive and its secret prison, Velabanchel. The Crows as feared and admired in the city by nobles and commoners alike, and enjoy enormous privilege in Antiva. Indeed, it is the threat of the Crows which keeps Antiva City - and Antiva as a whole - safe from outside attack.    Given its permissive culture, Antiva City is home to several brothels. A brothel may foster orphaned children sired by its prostitutes, and these children may then be purchased at auction by the likes of the Antivan Crows.


While it had existed as a city-state under a king for some time prior, Antiva's history truly began with the introduction of pirates and raiders who established settlements on the west coast of the Rialto Bay. Antiva's king and the various settlements gradually developed a fragile but mutually beneficial relationship. It was this relationship, ostensibly a lucrative business decision, that formed the nation of Antiva and cemented its focus as a nation with a powerful mercantile tradition, making use of its coastal cities for trade opportunities with the other countries of Thedas. The most important of these coastal cities is Antiva City.   During the Fourth Blight, the city was besieged and sacked by the darkspawn horde in 5:12 Exalted. When the Grey Wardens were called to defend the city, the Wardens refused, believing that the city would not withstand a siege and insisted that they instead evacuate. The royals hesitated, causing many ship captains to desert and take their ships, ruining an orderly evacuation. As a result of this event, King Elaudio was killed, when the Antivan Royal Guard rebelled against him. With the support of the Grey Wardens, the revolt was put down, and the Queen managed to flee the city, though most of the surviving royals were killed by the archdemon Andoral during the Wardens' efforts to evacuate them as the city fell. The rebellion was later covered up, and it was proclaimed that the king died defending the City against the darkspawn. The City was freed in 5:24 Exalted and rebuilt.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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