Celene Valmont I Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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Celene Valmont I

Empress Celene Valmont

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Celene Valmont was born in 9:04 Dragon. When she was sixteen, Grand Duke Gaspard's wife Calienne killed her mother, Clarisse de Montfort, by arranging for "a hunting accident." Her father, Prince Reynaud, killed Calienne in retaliation, and then died himself of "illness" caused by Calienne's poisoned stiletto. Celene took the throne after that. Her ascension is swathed in rumours, with some Orlesians claiming the assassination of her uncle, Emperor Florian, was organized to allow her to take power.   Celene's ascendancy marked a period of intense struggle in the empire, as nobles positioned themselves to overthrow her. Most said Celene was too young and inexperienced to hold power, but she proved to be an adept player of the Game. She hinted at the possibility of marriage to several powerful families, while ultimately marrying no one; yet she continued to maintain alliances with these families. Today, there are still many nobles who consider Celene's rule illegitimate. As she grows older and the likelihood of an heir by birth decreases, the movement to replace her grows.   Celene has inspired something of a cultural renaissance in the Orlesian Empire. She has been a fervent patron of education and the arts. In particular, the University of Orlais and the Grande Royeaux theater owe much of their current reputation to her rule. Before Celene's intervention, the University of Orlais was severely stifled by the Chantry's limitations and served mostly as a dumping ground for the younger children of the lesser nobility. After Celene was crowned empress, she announced her intention to study at the university herself. She also arranged to lessen the Chantry's restriction on theological studies. The University of Orlais is now one of the most prestigious institutions in Thedas, respected for its studies on nature, magic, history, and the arts and attracting nobles from several nations. Noble blood is currently required for entry, though Celene has been urging the University to accept even elves if properly sponsored by a noble. Celene similarly lifted all restrictions on the Grande Royeaux, announcing that artistic freedoms should not be constrained by worldly concerns.   She was a close contact of King Cailan Theirin, and the two of them were united in their stance against the Fifth Blight, with Celene even sending four legions of Chevaliers to aid Ferelden against the Darkspawn.   Following the War of the Lions, Celene returned to Val Royeaux. Her army continued to clash with Gaspard's throughout the Dales and she declared that wearing violets--purple like the colours of her family's crest--is a sign of political support.   At the urging of Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons, Empress Celene held a ball in the Winter Palace. During the festivities, the empress was meant to hold peace talks with Gaspard de Chalons and Briala. Gaspard was planning a coup during the ball, having been accompanied by his Chevaliers and smuggling Ferelden mercenaries into the party. Celene and Briala, her elven handmaiden, knew of this and turned a blind eye with the hope that Gaspard would be lured into making a politically foolish move. The Inquisition learned that The Elder One was planning to assassinate Celene, thereby throwing all of Orlais into chaos. In hopes of foiling the Elder One's machinations, the Inquisition found itself a guest at the peace talks between Celene and Gaspard, held in the form of a grand ball at the Winter Palace of Halamshiral.   The Inquisition helped thwart the assassination attempt on Celene's life, and in turn, she devoted herself and the Orlesian Empire to the Inquisition's cause.


Hobbies & Pets

Celene is very dedicated to the arts.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Empress of the Orlesian Empire
Year of Birth
902 42 Years old
Aligned Organization

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