Half-Elves Species in The World that Smoke Wrought | World Anvil
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When it was discovered that Humans and Elves could create viable offspring, the tyrant-mages had the process studied in controlled environments until they had found ways to magically replicate it. After that, however, a place for Half-Elves had to be found in the regimented and caste-based society; the children of Elves could not simply be ignored, but the children of Humans could not be nobility. In the end, a place below the Elves and above the Humans was established, where Half-Elves could serve the nobility as storytellers, entertainers, and courtiers. To control their population, however, and to prevent the birth of a Half-Elf from being a stepping stone for Human families, all Half-Elves upon entering the caste were gelded. It is for this reason that the Half-Elves were best known for their castrati.   While some Half-Elves did participate in the overthrow of the tyrants, none of them had direct descendants. Without the caste system and the gelding requirements, however, it was inevitable that Half-Elves would begin to proliferate. Today, while not as common as some of the other races, Half-Elves are a much more widely-recognized race in Wresnet.   Some of the Half-Elves that did survive the rebellions went on to found minstrel schools and bard colleges. Many exist to this day and carry on the ancient musical traditions of the old caste system. Some only cater to Half-Elves, and some still do produce castrati, but they only do so on a voluntary basis.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens sylmanus

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