Doro Character in The World of Wind and Waves | World Anvil
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  No one is sure where Doro was before he came to Merir Neadair. First known reports concerning him are about an angry drunk in the tavern district or about him jumping into fights on the side of the underdog.   Any time he was sober was a bad time for Doro, in his opinion. He stayed exceptionally drunk as much as possible, becoming a regular fixture in many of the bars throughout the town. Many people would buy him a drink upon finding him in an establishment, a practice he appreciated.   People of the settlement soon learned about his deep dislike of anyone who picked on the little guy. Anyone he came across being a bully and starting fights with people he deemed undeserving he would happily leap into would quickly discover the error in their ways. Even though he was a halfling, he quickly cultivated a reputation as a formidable fighter.   This gained him the nickname of The Drunken Angel and is considered a hero of the downtrodden.   They brought him before The Governor because of this reputation. The governor was very interested in the reports of this short avenger he had received. After a brief discussion with Doro, and a large pot of very strong coffee, he made him an offer. If he stayed sober and out of trouble, the Governor would give him the tavern district to run as he wished. He could set up a force to protect the people he wished to protect. However, the Governor couldn’t have some angry little man just beating people up all the time. The only result of that was that Doro would find himself knifed in the back by an angry party.   The Governor also told him he knew of his past, knew why he had run all the way to Merir. Knew that he was the youngest son of the current guild leader of the Volitant Merchantry. A fact that Doro had tried his very best to hide. He told Doro he understood why. Many people would try to use him to get back at his father, would try to ransom him or punish his father by punishing him. Lots of people in Merir hated Guild Volitant, the Governor included.   The Governor told him he would keep his secret for him for a small price. As and when he needed it, Doro would provide insight and information about his family guild and his father. His knowledge of the running of the organisation could prove crucial to his plans.   Doro accepted all of this readily, although he tried to argue the point about sobriety. The governor was firm on the matter, however, saying that you cannot run a district while also being inebriated to the point of unconsciousness. It just cannot be done.  

Appearance and Identifying Features

  Doro stands about 3 and a half feet tall with a long scraggly mess of light brown hair. He uses this to mask his facial features lest someone recognise him as an errant Ticaret child. He is exceptionally well muscled for a halfling and covered in scars from his years of constant fighting.


In his preferred state of being, surrounded by booze and ready for a fight.


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