Ting'sha, Scourge of the Galaxy Species in The Wheel of Worlds | World Anvil
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Ting'sha, Scourge of the Galaxy

This species is a prolific breeder, combative in nature and a devoted follower of the Z'tekis, one of the most violent and dangerous of the sentient races involved in the Consortium of Intelligent Species. They serve as slaves and soldiers to the Z'tekis, forming vast armies for planetary battles.

Their natural society is rudimentary, formed of small packs with a single dominant member who directs the activities of the others. Though there are physical variances between Ting'sha in different geographic regions (coloration, size, physique), packs can be blended under the management of a leader with firm control.

All Ting'sha are female. They adapt readily to almost any climate, as long as they have a ready supply of meat.

Its face was something out of a nightmare, neither animal nor reptilian. Glowing ice-blue eyes stared back at him, the pupils shrinking to mere slits. Nostrils flared at the end of its long muzzle.

One hand lifted and pointed at him. A sharp obsidian claw extended toward him as if to give him a curious poke.

Slowly, it turned its huge head slightly to one side to get a better look at him. A bony projection extended from the back of its skull. The brain case was large enough for the creature to have some measure of intelligence, but the most telling feature was the tool it carried.

A harness wrapped around its torso held a small machine that looked much like a cannon strapped to its left shoulder. Wherever its head moved, the cannon tracked.

The creature flinched backward, crouching down and looking like it was either going to bolt or spring at them. Its pupils widened. One hand lifted off the ground. The spikes on its back fluttered menacingly, and the tail started to whip the air in warning.

Basic Information


In general shape, this species is built much like a greyhound, with two forelimbs, two hind limbs, a streamlined head, and a long, whip-like tail. While Ting'sha are capable of running at speeds of approximately 45 miles per hour, they can also walk upright on their hind legs and grasp objects with their hands.  Ting'sha have a deep lung capacity, narrow waist and well muscled limbs.  Both hands and feet feature long talons which provide traction while running and are formidable weapons in combat or hunting.  The head is long, with a pointed snout and forward facing eyes.  The back of the skull is elongated into a narrow fan shape with holes that function both as snorkels while swimming underwater and to produce a melancholy moan or bellowing sound.

Along the spinal ridge of the back, fin-like projections can be raised to show alarm or challenge.  When the creature is calm, these fins lie smoothly along the backbone.

Biological Traits

Of the three types of Ting'sha, the Tropical variant is generally the most long lived due to plentiful food sources, with Temperate coming in a close second, and Subarctic last due to scarcer food supply.  Readily available meat is also responsible for the difference in physique and size in the three races; however, this also makes the Subarctic fiercer fighters.

Genetics and Reproduction

All Ting'sha are female and reproduce by means of parthenogenesis.  Only one female breeds at a time in a pack. Young are born two or three at a time after gestation of approximately six months.  Ting'sha have mating behaviors in which one female stimulates another to activate ovulation.  This mounting behavior is usually performed by the dominant female.

Growth Rate & Stages

They are blind and helpless at birth, but by the age of one week they are capable of walking. During that initial period, the mother stays with them in a nest while other pack members bring food to the family. By the age of six weeks, the young begin to hunt with their mother, and by the age of six months the young are often successful enough to begin providing for the pack. 

A Ting'sha does not attain full adulthood for approximately three years, when she becomes capable of reproduction.  At this stage, she may choose to challenge the pack leader for the dominant position, become subservient to the current leader, or leave the pack in search of another.

Ecology and Habitats

As hunters, it is primary for Ting'sha to have a ready food supply.  They travel in small packs in their native environment, adapting readily to a variety of terrains from desert to subarctic.  They do not over-hunt, moving on to new territory when meat begins to become hard to find.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ting'sha hunt in formations like wolf packs in their native environments; however, under the tutelage of the Z'tekis, they have begun to use weaponry as part of their hunting rituals.  They prefer fresh raw meat, but will eat carrion and some vegetables and fruit if meat is not available.

Biological Cycle

Elder Ting'sha often function as child-minders for the pack's young as they become mobile.  When young mothers return to the hunt, the elders keep the young safe from predators and teach them how to function in their environment.

Additional Information


Adoption by the Z'tekis has changed the general pack structure by supplanting the natural alpha female with a Z'tekis taking charge of the pack.  With this hierarchy, it is possible to combine numerous packs under the management of a single Z'tekis.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Z'tekis have exploited the Ting'sha as slaves and soldiers for millennia.  Through selective breeding, they have altered the nature of these creatures to make them extremely loyal to their alien masters, sacrificing their own lives for the pleasure of their leader without hesitation.

Facial characteristics

The face of the Ting'sha is predatory, with that eagle-eyed, intense stare of a natural hunter.  It is long and narrow with a pointed muzzle.  The nostrils are capable of closing for underwater hunting.  Brow ridges are prominent over eyes in shades of golden (Temperate), green (Tropical) or blue (Subarctic).

Average Intelligence

While this species has a measure of intelligence, it is not an advanced one.  A typical Ting'sha has the equivalent intellect of a six year old human being.  They have a spoken language but not a written one, and are capable of learning other languages in a rudimentary fashion.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

This species has excellent hearing and scent capabilities, but sight is less acute.  They can see motion quite well, but do not have the ability to see full color, only shades of red and gray.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ting'sha are named by their masters, rather than having names chosen for them by their mothers, or naming themselves.

Beauty Ideals

The most beautiful is the strongest, fiercest fighter and best hunter.

Gender Ideals

As all Ting'sha are female, there is no gender-specific identity.

Relationship Ideals

Family associations are related to the entire pack rather than parent and child.  Though some Ting'sha form friendships within the pack, the more prevalent ideal is the "all for one, one for all" pack mentality.

Average Technological Level

All of the technology the Ting'sha operate is of Z'tekis design.  They do not build or design for themselves, and only those smart enough to operate such equipment as the phosphor cannons (with which all field troops are equipped) are allowed to use weaponry.  They are capable of reading and operating simple computer equipment.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

There are numerous language groups, too many to count, developed within specific packs.  The common language that all Ting'sha speak is a rough approximation of the primary Z'tekis tongue.

Common Etiquette Rules

Looking directly into the eyes of a Ting'sha is a blatant challenge.  A polite, non-confrontational greeting is to turn the head slightly with your gaze pointed at its feet or belly.

Common Dress Code

Ting'sha do not wear clothes or footwear.  Sometimes a Z'tekis will adorn the dominant member with jewelry, which is cause for pride for the female and often sparks jealousy from other pack members.


The Z'tekis discovered the Ting'sha during their space travels almost 40,000 years ago.  Though this interaction has been beneficial to the Z'tekis by providing them free labor, they have gone to great pains to keep the Ting'sha from advancing in intelligence, choosing to support the breeding of those more biddable and of greater physical strength.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Ting'sha worship their Z'tekis masters and will do whatever they are told without complaint. Because of the strength of their bond with their alien masters, Ting'sha will not interact with any other sentient species.
Typical lifespan is between twenty and thirty years.
Average Height
Species variants include subarctic, temperate and tropical. Subarctic is generally about three feet high at the shoulder when the creature is standing on all fours. Temperate is about three and a half feet, and Tropical about four feet.
Average Weight
Subarctic weighs approximately 80-120 pounds. Temperate reach approximately 140 pounds, while Tropical are the largest at 180 pounds.
Average Length
Subarctic Ting'sha are approximately 4.5 - 5 feet long from nose to base of tail (standing height on hind legs). The tail is often twice the length of the body, which makes the entire length in the range of nine feet.

Temperate Ting'sha are approximately 5.5 - 6 feet long from nose to base of tail. The entire length is in the range of ten feet. Tropical Ting'sha are approximately 5.5 - 7 feet long from nose to base of tail. The entire length is in the range of eleven feet.
Average Physique
Lean and rangy is the best description for Ting'sha.  They are built for speed and do not get fat if they are to survive.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Color and pattern vary between regional origins. 

Subarctic: The belly, limbs and face are mostly white.  The back and tail are a bluish gray with black or charcoal gray spots, which make good camouflage in rocky, mountainous or snowy terrain.  This type grows long fur for protection against the cold climate.

Temperate: Face, belly and limbs are generally creamy or light brown in color.  The back varies in shades of brown to brilliant orange with lighter, creamy stripes for camouflage in tall grass.  This type grows short fur for protection from chilly nights.

Tropical: This variant is typically all dark, the entire body in a single color or pattern.  Some are all black, some brindle, others have stripes ranging in color from tan to orange to blue, including the same markings on the face and limbs.  This type may be completely hairless with pebbly skin or have fine, short, velvety covering that makes it feel soft and smooth.

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