Toseed Island Geographic Location in The Wastes | World Anvil
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Toseed Island

Off the coast of the mainland, a couple days journey through the seas, is an overgrown island. The Sowers make this trip regularly, to pay homage to their God of Life and Growth. It is not clear where the water stops and the land begins, purely because of all the algae/plant growth surrounding the island.


This island was originally kind of small. It was just big enough to hold the central temple for the God of Life and Growth, and that was about it. The temple itself is a large open air courtyard on top of the only mountain of the island, allowing all sorts of plants and animals to travel in and out. There is a downstairs section that is reserved for only the high-ranking sowers to perform various rites. But, most everyone has a good time in the upper section.   The island, since its birth, has since expanded. The mountain is now obscured by the tall trees and plant life that grow around it. The jungle has expanded from the shores of the island, growing on a bed of algae, coral, and lily pads that have slowly crept through the surrounding waters. The surface of this plant-floor is kind of squishy, like gymnastic pads. It is also treacherous: if you don't know where to set your feet, you just might fall into the mass of plant life to eventually be eaten by passing predators.   Even further out from this plant-floor is just miles of green algae, potentially paving the way for even more plant-floor. Unlike the plant floor, this green algae is easy enough to sail through. It parts at the bow of the boat, and recloses in the boat's wake. If you jump in, you'll get covered with the stuff, like an oily layer of life. Some adventurers sail into this green algae to collect it for various medicinal purposes, like burn ointment or face moisturizer. But it's generally regarded as a bad idea to get any closer to the island, on account of the various monsters and animals that are waiting for fresh meat.

Fauna & Flora

SO MANY! It is here that the creations of the God of Life and Growth are able to roam freely. There are so many packed in this island, it is hard for them to survive. Many are eaten or killed to make way for more and more creations. Animals like the dandy-lion are here, as well as fruits that are actually hidden animals.   The flora is similarly extravagant, having spread throughout the island and beyond. Some of the older Sowers estimate that the island has double or tripled in size, due to the explosion of growth off the shores. Plants like monstrous lily pads and algae have expanded past the shores and fought the waves to remain in one place. Huge dents are made in this floating island expansion during storms or other destructive acts of weather, but it tends to be repaired the week after. In some cases, you can even see tiny vines weaving their way back together to become even stronger.   The density of the flora make the island nearly impassible. It is only due to the magic of the Sowers clerics that they are able to get to the center of the island at all.

Natural Resources

There are plenty of natural resources here, although it's so packed in that it's hard to access. There are towering trees with plenty of heartwood, allowing life to continue growing vertically. There are never before seen animals with all sorts of neat body parts, like shimmering holographic feathers or glowing claws.
Alternative Name(s)
The Last Harbor of the Wilds
Owning Organization

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