The Citadel Settlement in The Wastes | World Anvil
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The Citadel

One of the few remaining structures in the heart of the wasteland, The Citadel is a haven to those strong enough or stupid enough to live there.   If you're able to focus on other things besides trying to not get murdered, you may enjoy the weekly Duels where fighters face off in deadly battles. On maybe the gauntlets, where a challenger faces off tiers of opponents? If that's not your style, maybe try out the team fight Brawls. Lots of strategy goes into that one! And of course, audience favorite, participant nightmare, we've got the Monster Mash where fighters face off huge wild beasts! Plus, there's lots of money to be made in the betting houses!


There's a big mix of everyone here. As long as you are good at something and can survive living here, then all are welcome.


There is a judge that gets final say on squabbles that actually make it to the court. But, mostly things work out by themselves, and capitalism. One of the 'leaders' of this place is The Announcer.


This place is really armed to the teeth. They really don't have a lot in the way of strategy or leadership, but if you threaten their homes, they're going to make you pay for it.


There were main paths into the stadium originally, but some have collapsed. At least one remains. The other roads have been carved out from the crumbling structure of the place, so they are uneven but packed down with all the people walking on it.   Stores are carved out where they can. It's not unusual to see multiple stores in the same location, sharing the same entrance/window. Saves on protection money.


This is the place to get people to do things for you. If you have money. But not a lot of money! Because they might just take it from you. Who knows.   This is also a central place to receive a job. Or take money from people, if they have money.


This place is built off the ruins of some huge sporting arena from the old world, but because so many people with really big and deadly weapons clustered to watch and participate in the Games, the Phoenix Order couldn't come close to destroying the ruins. So, the ruins have stayed, and now house a whole lot of people and stores and all sorts of neat stuff.


Imagine a huge stadium, like Wembley Stadium. but the walls are much much taller, and underneath all the stands are shops and houses and and people. All sorts of things are happening within these walls, but (arguably) the most exciting parts are in the middle, where Games happen. The whole place can hear it when a Game is happening. The stores generally close then, because what's the point of trying to sell when everyone is watching the Game?   In the one entrance that hasn't collapsed is a big leaderboad of the best competitors in each style of game, as well as a overall leaderboard. It is updated after every game, and after confirmed deaths.


The Citadel is situated at the southern tip of the Bluffs mountain range, which divide the East and West Wastes. Originally located for the gorgeous alpine views, the mountains now serve as a way to guide travelers to the city.
Alternative Name(s)
The Battlegrounds

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