Lawkeepers: The Central Seat Rank/Title in The Valley | World Anvil
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Lawkeepers: The Central Seat

Charged with breaking ties between the twelve elders during the Tanze's trials, the Central Seat is the highest position that one can reach in Lawkeeper organization. When interpretations of the law or determination of innocence or guilt is hazy, the Central Seat's decision is the final word. The Central Seat can also overturn majority decision by the Twelve, although this power is used sparingly.


While anyone can be nominated to the Central Seat, it is incredibly rare for someone who has not walked along every path from Apprentice to Elder to be put into the position.   According to the codes, the Central Seat must be filled by one who has shown complete dedication to impartiality, the law, and the Lawkeepers' Codes. In reality, the political machinations that occur behind the scenes rarely take this into account.


When a Central Seat passes or steps aside, the process for appointing their replacement officially begins. None can put their own name forward, instead relying on other Lawkeepers to submit an application. When the Lawkeepers were first codified this was done to encourage those who wanted to advance in the organization to truly follow the codes to the extent that others would notice and want to reward their dedication. In reality, favors are exchanged and political clout is thrown about in exchange for a nomination. While anyone can be nominated, an application that is seen as subpar can reflect poorly on both the Lawkeeper being nominated and the one doing the nomination. In some of the worst cases this permanently halts the advancement of those involved.   After nominations are gathered, the elders, heads of sects and the former Central Seat (if still alive) sort through the applications. Most of the Elders would have been nominated during the process, and those, along with any particularly exemplary applications, are moved to the next step.   A special Tanze, exclusive to Lawkeepers, is called. Every Lawkeeper is gathered to the forum for days of interviews, debates, and speeches by those who made it to this step. Backroom deals between different sects, many of whom have members vying for the Central Seat, occur during breaks. By the end of the mandated five days of preparation a vote is taken. Every lawkeeper must vote in the election or risk being removed from the organization. To avoid this, those who were unable to make it to the Tanze usually authorize someone else to vote for them in their absence.   After all the votes are counted and any challenges heard and worked through, the new Central Seat takes their place between the twelve elders and dismisses the gathered Lawkeepers.


During the Tanze
The Central Seat sits between the twelve elders during each Tanze, watching the proceedings. While they have no official mandate to question those on trial, when they stand to ask a question everyone takes careful note of what is said.   If the twelve elders are split on a decision the Central Seat makes the final ruling.   If the Central Seat feels that a miscarriage of justice has occurred, they can overrule the majority decision of the twelve.   Once a ruling has been made by the elders, the Central Seat fills a goblet from the Lifien's headwaters. Once both parties in the trial have drunk from goblet the Seat declares the trial finished.  
The Central Seat oversees debates, gives lectures, and ensures that the Keis is well maintained. They usually pass the upkeep of the Keis to followers, allowing them to act in their place in a few situations such as repairs, acquisition of materials, growing of food, etc.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Central Seat can only be removed by a 5/6th vote from the twelve.
Historically this has only occurred twice, during the Rebellion, when the Seat fell under the control of the uprising, and during the Seat of Tor Jacobs, who enriched himself through the liberal use of his overruling mandate.
Academic, Professional
Form of Address
The Seat
Source of Authority
The Law and the Lawkeepers Codes
Length of Term
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