Buffalo Jump River Geographic Location in The Valley | World Anvil
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Buffalo Jump River

Until the River Lifien, the Buffalo Jump River is a short, shallow, slow-moving river. It starts at the Egress of Reed Lake  and empties into The Great Lake. It is too shallow for most of the riverboats that travel the River Lifien, so this area is fairly isolated from the rest of the valley.   However, Buffalo Jump River is critical for many species of fish that live in the Great Lake as they must swim through it to Reed Lake and the many tributary streams and rivers that feed into that lake to spawn.


Buffalo Jump River winds through the low hills that choke the land between Reed Lake and the Great Lake. It changes its path reasonably often with the spring floods, sometimes creating islands as it splits itself around a smaller hill.

Fauna & Flora

The Valley Bison are most common in this region, as they feed primarily on the deciduous trees that cover the hills. They are often seen wading through the Buffalo Jump River, dipping their shaggy heads into the water to drink.   Their only common predators, the Dire Wolf and the coyote, frequent this region as well. This makes travel for individuals a little dangerous, increasing the isolation of those who make their homes in the area.

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