Regulators Profession in The Unspoken | World Anvil
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Regulators are similar to judges in our world. Throughout Sem, they act as interpreters of the Keeser's word. They are considered to be above the authority of Kin, and recieve donations from the people in order to fund their services. A regulator hosts a service in his Hall of Law, and determines the appropriate punishment by reading aloud the passage which describes the punishment and conditions to be carried out, then thanks is to be given to the Keeser for his wisdom, before the punishment is carried out. In cases where an important person of Quinte status or higher is to be subject to a regulator, they typically pay to be visited by the Chief Regulator, who functions similar to a cardinal, and is to determine if the punishment is correct, and typically conduct an official investigation. In cases of treason, rape, murder, or other charges which are likely to end in execution or exile, a chief regulator is typically consulted.   Scripture forbids a single person to be unmatched in power, and the Keeser is considered to be both an emperor to the Kin (kings) and Chief Regulators of Kinnek. While there are differences in power, no one is to be officially recognized as above a Kin or Chief Regulator, and Chief Regulators are strict on this law, as none of them wish to have a loss of their own power.   Regulators are not well known for, but regularily patrake in corruptive practice. They take bribes and regularily break from scripture and law, however the built-in empathy of a Kinneki (halfling) prevents this corruption from typically becoming outwardly problematic.   Regulators also legitimize marriages and grant licenses where applicable, and are to investigate nobles before they are given land, and then are to give them their blessing.   A regulator is to wear a light plate armor made from a iron and bronze alloy, which is reddish in color, and then red robes underneath this. They are expected to carry a copy of scripture and a hammer in times of war so as to administer lawful executions when needed. They are allowed to lawfully wed, but are to remain largely cloistered, and are discouraged from taking mind-altering substances. A quick way for a regulator to ruin his reputation is to be seen as someone who doesn't adhere to scripture and law, or to seem like they are not of sound mind. They are allowed to drink, but not get drunk.   Ultimately, Regulators are church-like figures who function similar to bishops or priests. They are expected to live by truth and to enforce the Helleg Hierarchie above all else. They are able to recieve bribes, but only as much as their conciousness will allow. Each community has a Regulator or an acting Regulator, and a group of Chief Regulators are held as equals, and are to judge serious cases of important people breaking the laws.

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