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Bouroughs form one of the most common dwellings for Kinneki peoples. It consists of one single building which is built with two stories, but is still relatively short because of the Kinnek's small size; this allows for a second floor without especially masterful architects and fewer materials.   Bouroughs tend to be similar to small apartments in that they are one large building which is host to a number of smaller dwellings in which Kinnek live. Bouroughs typically hold anywhere between 20-50 people, most of which will share their space with family members. A common room is typical for bouroughs, however they sometimes also hold dedicated mess halls, storage rooms, guest cabins, sherrif's office (and house), chapel, and very rarely, a shop or artisian will be set up in a bourough.   Bouroughs are stand-ins for hamlets, which are less functional due to the Kinnek needing far more social interaction than me or you. The streamlined design allows for greater safety, easier communication, and new elements to be added, however it comes at the cost of being susceptible to fires as well as potential for 'traffic jams' to occur, especially when it's dinnertime at the mess hall.   Bouroughs are found everywhere throughout the Kinnek nation, and within cities, they are commonly built on. High and middle class folk tend towards using more isolated forms of living so as to not associate with rabble, but they are also in dire need of the societal interaction that other Kinnek require, and so still live with either a large family or with other of their peers, even as tenents sometimes.   As a result of open trade, some bouroughs are built to accommodate larger races, however this can be jarring for Kinnek, and many travelers still find themselves crouching, or squatting in small chairs, or in undersized beds, or with meagre portions.

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