Poptart Cat Species in The universe | World Anvil
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Poptart Cat

Poptart cats, or nyan cats, are a species of cat. The undead version of a poptart cat is called an undead meme.

Basic Information


Poptart cats have normal feline heads, paws and tails, but most of their bodies are composed of a giant poptart. As they fly, they generate a rainbow trail behind them.

Ecology and Habitats

Poptart cats inhabit space, which they can fly through by unknown means.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Felis Nyan
Average Length
1.6 m
Average Physique
Poptart cats are quite powerful beings, with a vicious bite and tackle. They are, for some reason, stronger when facing either intelligent humanoids or electronic beings.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Nyan cats have grey heads, paws and tails. Their poptart is poptart colored.

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