Ear Sponge Species in The universe | World Anvil
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Ear Sponge

Ear Sponges are a species of aquatic sponge.

Basic Information


Ear Sponges are simple sponges with few features. On each side of their body, they have large funnel-shaped organs, "ears". These do not function as ears, but instead as digestive organs, using vacuums to suck the surrounding water at high speed, ensuring higher amounts of nutrients. They also have two "ribbons" wrapped diagonally around their body, crossing each other once one each side. Its bottom is lined by a circle of hard barbs, allowing it to stick to the ocean floor better.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ear Sponges need a steady supply of nutrients, which they supply themselves with using their "ears".

Additional Information

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Ear Sponges have a symbiotic relationship with eye sponges, where the water expelled by the eye sponge is more nutrient rich than average water, allowing the Ear Sponge to grow larger.
Ear Sponge
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Porivultus auris

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