Zyn Character in The Unhellish Planes | World Anvil
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Zyn (| zyn |)

Kobold Chieftain Zyn (a.k.a. The Kobold Body Cannon, The Odd Fighter of the Jagged Peaks, The Blue of Everfree)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zyn has a relatively short build, as he is a Kobold. But he is extremely brawny as a Kobold. This does not mean he is slow by any means though. He is fast enough to keep up with the paces of Ciccero.

Body Features

Zyn's scales are naturally dark blue; this differentiates him from every other Kobold and makes him standout on top of his loud and friendly personality.

Facial Features

Zyn has a long, blue, snout – a trait inherited from his Kobold racial lineage. However, Zyn's bright red eyes are something quite unnatural for a kobold.

Identifying Characteristics

Zyn has bright red eyes that glow in the dark and reflect sunlight strong enough to cripple undead.

Special abilities

Zyn is a master of improvised combat and has a plethora of movesets that he can use in any scenario.

One of his most famous moves, allowing him to gain the title of the 'Kobold Body Cannon,' is his jumping kick that propels him roughly 10-20m forwards in one direction. His lower-body propulsion, channeled and empowered by Ki from the environment allows him to propel himself at high speeds and deliver a series of slices and a body-impact not unlike a cannon. During this time, he usually aims to disable an opponent's mobility by slicing their joints or disabling their vision by slicing their eyes.

If he was not able to slice their eyes previously, he will usually follow with a dustblind using the dust from his surroundings or a pouch of sand he keeps in one of his leatherskins. This allows him to disorient his enemies in time for him to slice their joints or pickpocket something off their inventory.

Zyn is also no stranger to trapsetting and can easily set traps while maneuverin through the battlefield. He usually laces oil through the environment to cause opponents to slip and fall, and usually stores it in one of his leather waterskins.

Apparel & Accessories

Zyn dons a set of medium-light metallic armor, depending on his next occassion or whatever he feels like wearing that day. He also equips a dual set of shortswords for combat.

Specialized Equipment

Zyn only really carries around a dual set of shortswords and uses a plethora of improvised environmental weapons during combat. However, he is sure to always bring a leatherskin to store a variety of liquids in. He always has at least 3 leatherskins on hand, at any point of time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zyn was born deep in the caves of the Twin Jagged Peaks, far before the Draconic Invasion of the Ice and Red Dragon duo arriving into the Twin Jagged Peaks.

During this time, Zyn, or rather a nameless kobold, continued about his life in mischief as he was a natural trickster. Despite his strong and fit build, he was no fighter; he would always attempt to resolve conflicts using his improvised tricks and hence was a natural fit for the likes of Foolish Fighting Style or the other various unconventional fighting styles. But as with most fighting prodigies, he decided to invent his own unique fighting style that involved heavy improvisation using the resources he had at his disposal.

It was at this same time of trickery and foolery that the kobold boy learned what is meant to be prepared. He had encountered a Level 5 Swordsman within the caves and barely made it out alive, but was able to maneuver his way into a retreat, only to be fooled by his own improvised tricks. From this day on, the swordsman would teach Zyn about the importance of preparation and taught him various aspects from a variety of Fighting Styles.

Years would pass and the Swordsman would eventually stop visiting the cave as Zyn now had aspirations of escaping to make a living as an adventurer. It was at this moment, when the Ice and Red Dragons attacked and Zyn was forced into their servitude or perish under their freezing and flaming breaths.

Eventually, the Ice was defeated and the Red was allegedly warped elsewhere. Zyn was then named by Ciccero, the Legendary Slime Traveler of Estellia and was recruited to join The Government of Everfree's main military force. It was here that he finally received the first ever responsibilities he has ever held in his life. Now Zyn works hard to learn literacy and generally become a learned person as fast as he can, to become the best Head of Foreign Affairs The City of Everfree will have, while retaining that playful side he characteristically has.


Zyn has never been one to study at all. Though he was taught by a Level 5 Swordsman in various unconventional Fighting Styles that he incorporates into his Personal Fighting Style.

Recently, Zyn has picked up reading a few language books and finds it much easier to understand them after receiving a Status from the Legendary Ciccero, after Zyn was named.


Zyn currently works as both the Head of Foreign Affairs for The City of Everfree and as one of the Generals of the Everfree Military's main unit – the MIU-7 Battalion.

Accomplishments & Achievements

-Assisted in the Defeat of Bastion LXII

Morality & Philosophy

Zyn's philosophy is very simple. Make the most out of what you have. This makes him an incredibly resourceful but lazy individual that will spend little to no time preparing for a fight. If has the bare minimum in terms of armor, gear and weapons, he will take the chance to fight the enemy using raw skill and his surroundings.

Naturally, this makes him an incredibly homebrew and unprofessional leader. Though his way of doing things does have its personal and authentic charm to it.

Personality Characteristics


Zyn is not motivated by anything in particular. However, he has been given new responsibilities and is motivated to complete and fulfill them as a repayment to the kindness offered by Ciccero and Atago to him, providing him with a job after he made attempts on their lives under the influence of the Ice Dragon of the Jagged Peaks.

Likes & Dislikes

-Likes eating Cavebugs
-Enjoys seeing the sunsets of the outside world
-Loves talking to anybody

-Dislikes studying
-Dislikes reading
-Hates being left alone

Personality Quirks

Zyn tends to be so invested in multiple things that he can easily lose his train of thought.


Zyn showers in a regular basis despite being a Kobold. He previously did not, but as the Head of Foreign Affairs, he is trying his best to keep his best appearances at all times. This has earned him the admiration of various ladies from the town each time he returns.


Contacts & Relations

-Zyn is closely related to all of the Kobolds in The City of Everfree and the Place that is Not on the Map.
-Zyn is extremely close with all of his subordinates in the military of Everfree and has grown quite close to the Goblin Chieftain , Si'Thak, General of the Military of Everfree's MIU-7 Battalion.
-Zyn is the former disciple of the current Saint Candidate and Dragonmarked – Magna Xiener.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Managing MIU-7 Battalion in Clearing the Everfree Mines of Monsters
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
-The Odd Fighter of the Jagged Peaks
-The Blue of Everfree
-Kobold Chieftain of the Place that is Not on the Map
-Head of Foreign Affairs of the City of Everfree
-Head General of the Everfree Military's MIU-7 Battalion
Caves of the Twin Jagged Peaks (Former), The City of Everfree (Current)
Current Residence
He/ Him
Bright Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark-Blue Scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You ready?"
"Uh, sorry, I need some time to prepare..."
"...And... Done!"
"Kobold Cannon Impact!"
Order of Citago
Aligned Organization

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