The Legend of the Ingkernate Myth in The Unhellish Planes | World Anvil
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The Legend of the Ingkernate (Unknown?)

Legend has it that once upon these sea of sands, The Converging Valleys, a single-legendary individual, molded the world with his own power, and his own power alone. Yes, this incarnate of raw power and the pinnacle of speedy efficiency was the progenitor of The Converging Valleys, single-handedly carving out the valleys that converge and extracting every single resource, precious or not, and storing it in a dimensional space familiar to none –not even the Astral Plane.

This is the legend of Dingker.

Some say that he was a minor deity, others say he was a strong-willed serving under the preceeding government before The Converging Valleys Allied States Government. Nobody will know for sure, as they have never seen him. They could never have. It was simply impossible, as the Sea of Sands, was already discovered as a pair of converging valleys. The Converging Valleys

There is one thing that remains true though, that Dingker was one of the truly strong-willed of his time and his gathering prowess was never second-to-none.

Historical Basis

The Legend of Dingker has its roots within the deep mythos of The Converging Valleys. There were multiple uncovered ruins throughout the sands of The Converging Valleys that host murals and stone statues depicting a single male with a a single-pickaxe on his right and a slab of cooked steak on the other.

These murals have various other mythos etched onto the desert temple's archaic walls, though the Legend of Dingker seems to have its ties with various other mythology within The Converging Valleys.


The Legend of Dingker appears to be common knowledge within The Converging Valleys.

Variations & Mutation

Alternative Pronunciations and iterations of the Mythos:

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Jan 14, 2022 16:30

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