Greed Character in The Unhellish Planes | World Anvil
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Greed (| ɡriːd |)

The Blinking Avarice of The Converging Valleys Greed

The catalyst for the True Paradigm Shift in the stories of the various major players of The Converging Valleys, the Blinking Avarice is the force to be reckoned with.

Setting the pace for the story, Greed is the masterful thief that had started the Uproar in Main Street, stealing all items and coin in The City of Oasis's Main Street and across the miniature island completely. Some speculate he was also behind the murder of the previous Azrael's First, General Windblast III, and the Demihuman Emissary of the nearby Demihuman Village of the Oasis.

Greed's mystery and might seems to baffle the lot of The Converging Valleys, but will the players be able to find out his true motives and reclaim their items from this unstoppable force?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

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Greed appears to have a relatively muscular build that seems to be slightly more muscular at his shoulders.

Body Features

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Greed allegedly has the physique of Olympian sculptures and has has little to no visible fas of any kind. His messy and sharp hair also sways in the air as he travels in a blink.

Facial Features

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Greed has a noticable scar at his lip and under his chin. He has a full row and set of white teeth. Greed also has long goblinoid ears.

Identifying Characteristics

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Greed has a pair of gemstones for eyes. These glowing, yellow, eyes seem to glisten and glimmer with a radiating and greedy aura.

Special abilities

Greed is most well-known for his speed in thivery. He is able to steal an item in the blink of an eye. Hence, his moniker the Blinking Avarice.

Apparel & Accessories

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To those that have ever encountered the Blinking Avarice, he usually came doning in a black shirt and robemail alongside various hoods and cowls to conceal his identity.

Specialized Equipment

Greed is also known to wield a variety of weapons from account-to-account, so most speculation cannot be verified to be true.

However, these are some of the most common accounts, from the very few that managed to encounter him alive, right before they died under mysterious circumstances:

"He wielded a pair of daggers that were able to slice through anything they touched. A truly terrifying tool for a masterful assassin such as him. One cut from those daggers could leave you bleeding out for days."

Another account states:

"He was able to pierce through any armor. Despite my own draconic scalemail, he was able to easily stab through it, as if it were paper."

Some more accounts detail:

"It was no exaggeration to say that he was less goblin and more Chain Devil. He was able to summon chains that would stretch for miles on end, whipping and rending at me till I lost most of my appendages. Thanks to my Cleric Rob, I barely got out alive, and I must continue to thank him for restoring my limbs."


Contacts & Relations

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-Master of Hakkai, the Disciple of Greed
-Master of Huo, the Disciple of Greed
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
-The Blinking Avarice of The Converging Valleys
-The Baron of Burglary
-The King of Kleptomaniacs
-The Thief of Towers
-The Whispering Death
-The All-Speed
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-The Infinite Vessel

Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
He/ Him
Glowing Yellow
Messy, Sharp and Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dirty Green

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