Storm in The Undersea | World Anvil
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The God in the Roof

  "Long ago a hungry monarch built a castle. The monarch sent messengers to the thunder-dragon in the roof, but the dragon ate them all. The monarch sent more messengers - Shapelings from Axile, malleable and eager - but the dragon ate those too. Then the hungry monarch found the dragon's name, and the dragon had to listen. It didn't do either of them much good."   One of the Three, Storm is the deity of valor, violence and the crashing of waves: an anger unending, an infinite tempest that consumes all. To call upon Storm is to invite disaster: the strength It gives always exacts a terrible price. Falling stalactites, dense fogs and sudden storms are all considered portends of Storm's presence. Those who sleep poorly sometimes attribute their insomnia to "Thunder Dreams". A careful listener can hear the rumble of Its voice in such dreams. The eyes of those who listen to or speak with Storm frequently are known to turn a stormy grey color. Communing with a god always ends with the mortal taking on aspects of the god they reach out to, and Storm is no exception.   Like Salt, there are many stories of Storm. All of Storm's tales follow a similar path: a mistake is made, a rash and overwhelming response from Storm follows, and grief on all sides ensues. Still, it is Storm who is most often called upon by people in their greatest moment of need. Times such as these are true moments, where actions are taken instinctively without thought of their consequence. Although Its blessing may grant savage strength and speed, many tears will inevitably follow later as consequences are realized. Such is the nature of the Sea; such is the nature of Storm.    

Other Names

The Dragon Who Walked
The Storm that Speaks
The God in the Roof (by dwarves)
Saethon (by elves)
Fix your gaze on the city: have you dreamed? Dreamed of the thunder, the crashing voice, the rage unending?

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