Salt in The Undersea | World Anvil
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the Sun-Beneath-the-Sea

  "Long ago, a traveler went East, seeking something that could not be found in the black and starry kingdoms of the High Wilderness, nor in the irrigo temptations of the Nadir. Not in the glow of the Forge nor the crushing silence of the Undersea depths. Not in the Shapeling citadels, not in the light of the South, not of the Sundered Sea. The Traveler went East, and others may follow."     One of the Three, Salt is the deity of horizons, farewells and the outward urge. Although Its influence touches all who dwell in the Neath, many of Salt's devotees are sailors and explorers who seek to safely traverse the Undersea. Many common sayings and names derive their name from Salt, including "Saltsong", or the sound of the ocean as one sails over it, and the frequently used benediction "May Salt smile upon you." Like the sea it is often personified as, Salt's presence in the Neath runs deeps and constant. White sea bats flying across the bow of a ship are considered a sign that Salt is watching you.   Of Salt's past, there are many tales. In one such story, Salt was commanded to cast away all it held dear and descend into the Neath to discover a secret hidden in the darkness. And so It did, leaving behind the light and freedom of high places. Unable to find the secret as It was, Salt underwent a terrible transformation. In the process the memories, hunger, and purpose It once possessed were cut away, one by one, until nothing remained. In dire situations while at sea, sailors will emulate this by tossing their cargo and belongings overboard in hopes Salt will see them safely to the shore. After all, what are sailors but travelers under a different name? A traveler is always returning, for one who does not is no traveler.    

Other Names

The Traveler
The Sun-Beneath-the-Sea
The Outsider (by dwarves)
Lelyarûn (by elves)

The eastern shore, the islands fallen behind. Above the false-stars pale, until the Neath-roof grows invisible above. New scents will prickle the air: something like spice and something like pine.

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