Stone in The Undersea | World Anvil
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the Mountain of Light

  "Long ago a hungry monarch built a castle. The monarch saw a light in the south, in the palace of the south's queen. In those days, hungry as the monarch was, that light provoked nothing but appetite. But she was too far to devour. Over time, their correspondence calmed the monarch, and when the time came for the monarch to depart, the monarch's appetite was transformed, like blood into tears."   One of the Three, Stone is the deity of home, hospitality, and vitality. Her influence is arguably the greatest of the Three, despite residing deep in the Elder Continent. Like the islands of the Undersea, Stone offers protection and safe harbor to anyone who pays their respects. Glowing stone or gems appearing in the water or falling on the deck of a ship are believed to be omens of Stone's presence. Most races from the Presbyterate pay some form of homage to Stone, whether or not they worship Her devoutly.   It is well known that the great Mountain of Light is the source of the unnatural vitality which permeates the Neath. This influence supposedly grows greater the closer you get to Her, with some swearing creatures from deep within the Elder Continent are entirely immortal. Of course, there are those that would seek to bend this power to benefit themselves. One tale speaks of the infamous Thief-of-Faces who, while trying to steal Her power over life, severely wounded Stone. In a deep rage rivaling that of Storm, Stone subsequently slew thousands of the Thief's offspring and expelled them from the Garden forever.    

Other Names

The Hearth-Flame
The Mountain of Light
The Stone Mother (by dwarves)
Amaradri (by elves)
It's very far away, but perhaps it's watching you.

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