Giwic Keep Settlement in The Tranquil Expanse | World Anvil
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Giwic Keep




wall surrounding the city, everything is made of stone

Industry & Trade

In return for their unwavering support of the king over the years, the city of Giwic Keep has been dubbed "Madun Minor." The cities of Dorione, Defalls, Tebury, and Aelwic send their tax supplies there (food, gems, metal, weapons, etc). The lord of Giwic Keep is charged with even disbursement of food and metal supplies to other cities to ensure loyalty to the king is maintained. Everyone in the city works to sort the supplies evenly and is paid with food.


stone wall surrounding the city, stone bridge crossing Baste River, stone houses with glass windows, well in center of town, aqueduct


Built in 350 WP, the lord of Giwic Keep pledged that he and his family would forever be loyal to the human king in Madun. The king charged him with collection of the nearby city taxes. He was instructed to evenly disburse the food and metal so that all cities could eat, maintain their tools, provide weapons to those that the king would call as soldiers, and to pay his workers generously with food from the taxes he received.


Everything in Giwic Keep is made of stone, including the aqueduct that runs under the city from Baste River to the well in the middle of the city.


To the North: Dragon's Veil Forest To the East: Baste River and Tebury To the South: Baste Lake To the West: open plains

Natural Resources

stones taken from shore of Baste River and Baste Lake
Founding Date
350 WP
Alternative Name(s)
Madun Minor
Large city

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