Sarah Darkwood Character in The Threefold Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Sarah Darkwood

Lady Sarah Darkwood (a.k.a. Sarah the Fair)

A mysterious fugitive, bound by a sacred oath. She's on the run from something terrible, pursued for months through perilous terrain.

Physical Description

Body Features

Fair skin, broad shoulders, a muscular physique, long limbs, large hands and feet, and towering stature.

Facial Features

She has a broad face, thin hooked nose, and a wide mouth. She's not traditionally attractive, and she knows it, and it's no insult to her pride, though she’s often looked down upon for it.

Apparel & Accessories

Travels in peasant clothing to avoid attention.

Specialized Equipment

Carries her distinctive Kingsguard armor hidden away in her pack, and covers her massive sword with her cloak.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sarah grew up in a wealthy noble family in Crowhill, the seat of The Darkwood Duchy. She grew strong and large, with a keen interest and aptitude for the blade.
Knowing that Crowhill was a stifling and dangerous place for a girl, especially one as bold and brash as Sarah, her father sent her away to train and study in Bellmoral, a comparatively open-minded city and the capital of The Kingdom of Varellia.
Sarah quickly made a name for herself as a warrior to be respected, and achieved the rank of knight in her early 20s- a position rare, but not unheard of, for a woman in Varellia.
After a crisis of succession, Sarah was named as a member of the Varellian Kingsguard. She faced friction and derision from her fellow guardsmen, who gave her the mocking nickname "Sarah the Fair."
In 1298, the King was murdered by assassins unknown, though it is suspected dark magic was used in the killing. Found at the scene cradling the King's body, and hated by many in the court, Sarah was the prime suspect and convenient scapegoat. She fled Bellmoral and entered The Darkwoods in hopes that her pursuers would not follow her into the deadly forest. She made it to Crowhill alive and beat the Kingsguard to the Citadel. Saying goodbye to her father and uncle, she stocked up on supplies, disguised herself as a peasant, and fled the country. She endured a harrowing trek through The Silverstrike Mountains and crossed the border into The Kingdom of Rosany.
Stopping to rest for the night in an inn in the isolated Steepwick village, Sarah made the acquaintance of two strangers: Conor Oakenriver, a Dwarf refugee who had lived in the caves beneath the mountains for nearly a century, and Claire Blackwell, a disoriented woman in unfamiliar clothing claiming to be from the year 1998. Although the three initially find companionship together, and commit to helping the people of the village who suffer from strange and deadly plagues, Sarah has reservations. She knows she must keep moving and pursuing justice, and after hearing Claire and Conor's plan to exhume bodies from the cemetery to investigate the disease, she makes up her mind. Sarah vanishes from the inn in the night without so much as a goodbye.


Private tutors in the Crowhill Citadel. She also received training in combat, battle strategy, military history, and some of the languages spoken in The Elven Lands and The Freelands of Beorin. Much of this training was continued after she came to Bellmoral.


After leaving Crowhill, Sarah squired under a knight in Bellmoral and eventually achieved knighthood, as well as a reputation as a skilled warrior.
When the last Darkwood Kingsguard member retired, there was confusion as to who should replace him. Sarah found herself in a unique position: her father, the duke, had no other children, and her family tree was light on young men in fighting form. In light of Sarah's prowess as a knight, the King elected to bend the rules to fill the position, and Sarah became the first woman in the Varellian Kingsguard since its creation. Many, including others in the Kingsguard, were upset to see a woman in that role.

Mental Trauma

Sarah was the first person to discover the King's body after his assassination, and it has shaken her deeply.

Personality Characteristics


Find justice for the King, seek his killer, and uphold her sacred oath.


Family Ties

Her father Tymor and "Uncle" Alons, his closest advisor, raised her, but sent her away to achieve a higher position than she could have hoped for in Crowhill.
Year of Birth
1273 ☉ 25 Years old
Sandy brown hair, worn cropped short.
200 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Giant, and Goblin.

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