Captain Charles Bates Character in The Threefold Kingdoms | World Anvil
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Captain Charles Bates

Captain Charles Bates

The Captain of the Redcrest Guard is a blunt and direct man. He has fears of unseen threats operating in his community, and values order and calm over all. In the face of a rash of murders in Redcrest, he brought on a private eye to investigate, but promptly fired him when his companions challenged his authority.
The harsh, all-business captain has apparently had a drastic change of heart. On the morning of the 17th of Rottingtime, he signed a Writ of Release for Graldir Firebeard and freed him from the Redcrest Penitentiary. He then threatened Graldir to get out of Redcrest before sundown or else "trouble would find him."

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Wears scalemail with the emblem of Redcrest both on the chest and on a red cape in the back.


Contacts & Relations

Appointed by Lord Mayor Matthias Straine
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain of the Redcrest Guard
Year of Birth
1263 ☉ 35 Years old
Current Residence
Dirty blond, long. Kept in a short ponytail.

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