Human Ethnicity in The Three Realms | World Anvil
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just some regular folk

Humans are the great adapters in the Three Realms; no matter where the location, mankind is sure to be found thriving. Known for their down-to-earth nature and innovative ingenuity, Humans are known to be great mechanics, mages, engineers, traders, sailors, and adventurers. Other folk tend to think of mankind as greedy, crass, and dimwitted, overly fond of drink and willing to let anything with a pulse into their bed. Humans prefer to think of themselves as merely loving a good time.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Joan, Meera, Cassith, Nira

Masculine names

Karlyn, Brigan, Jon, Cal, Lukas

Unisex names

Luka, Miri, Joath, Raina

Family names

Jameson, Ramman, Gael, Bron, May, Bellam


Major language groups and dialects

Common, Midlander, Southern-tongue. Some countries have a distinct dialect or accent, including:   -Mirrathan brogue   -Halvoan tongue (almost unrecognizable to non-native speakers)   -Samaranian drawl

Culture and cultural heritage

Varies greatly from place to place.

Shared customary codes and values

Many Human cultures exist, but shared values nevertheless persist. Mankind generally is polytheistic, worshiping many Gods, value extroversion and charisma as well as bravado that some may consider bordering on stupidity. Despite their reputation for being party animals, humans value hard work and industry; many human civilizations have flourished on the backs of hard-working laborers and innovators. While magic is not a total taboo and many great mages exist among the ranks of mankind, humans as a whole seem to regard it with a healthy dose of suspicion and consider it unreliable even at the best of times.

Common Etiquette rules

It is common among Humans to act quite familiar with one another, (with the exception of the standoffish Halvoans, and sometimes the humans of splinter countries Ris and Nu) even if they are not acquainted. Fights are not only expected, but embraced as a part of any relationship, whether it be between lovers, between friends, or between merchant and customer. Humans are simultaneously friendly and raring for a fight.

Common Dress code

Humans have no set dress code, even among the more religious, but prefer at least to keep somewhat covered in public.

Historical figures

Grimms the Leaden: Legendary hero of myth, probably originating in the Southern Realm around Altatheim. Said to be a warrior of massive strength and prowess that carried an iconic leaden battleaxe, the legendary weapon that carved the entire southern peninsula from the Dark Land.   Lady Ygritte Pallais de Ferre: also referred to as Our Holy Lady, Lady Pallais, or Lady of the Sacred Flame, Ygritte de Ferre founded the Paladin Order and their religion. She was said to have recieved divine orders from the Elder Gods (of which the names are sacred and their forms unknowable) to go forth and do righteous works. Various sects of the Paladin Order were founded for various deeds she accomplished. The Oath of the Ancients is founded on her acts of kindness towards all and her acts to bring peace, art, music, and laughter as a nomadic warrior. The Oath of Conquest (a lesser-known sect) focuses on her time as a general leading the war between the Native Folk and their invaders from the Dark Land (a war that no doubt happened, but evidence of de Ferre's involvement is spurious at best). The Oath of the Crown originates from the claim that de Ferre united the Midland Realm before the Great Schism and ruled it as Queen in her later years, and the Crown as it exists (depending on your country) represents her ongoing legacy. The Oath of Devotion focuses on her travels as a nomad warrior, specifically her relationship with her partner and lover, Myrtha the Bold. The Oath of Redemption focuses on her work to protect the weak and dispossessed, and the Oath of Vengeance on her last act as an aging Queen to personally kill the demon-man responsible for her lifelong partner Myrtha's poisoning and death.


Gender Ideals

Gender is not so important to Humans, and are pretty loose with who can be married or in a relationship with who, how you express gender, and what roles you take on. Generally a household is expected to be a married pair of heterosexual, cisgendered humans with children, but any variation thereupon won't be looked at twice.

Courtship Ideals

Humans are known to have looser sexual practices and don't consider one-night stands to be strange. They are open about their sexual experiences and tend to not be shocked at same-gender relationships or polyamorous relationships. They tend to be surprised when one does not express much interest in sex at all, but won't react badly. Humans expect to settle down in a marriage they are happy with around their late 20s, and look down on people who go behind their partners' back.

Relationship Ideals

Loyalty and openness are valued and expected for the most part; it is not unusual or unheard of for humans to take other partners while married, but it must be with their spouse's consent and the spouse must come first in all matters.

Major organizations

the Paladin Order: also known as Torchbearers for their ceremonial flaming sword given to each who complete their training. Although any race can join, the Paladins were founded by and continue to be composed mainly of Humankind.   Teios: a human-ruled kingdom in the Midland by the coast. Centrally-located and integral to trade. The country just went through a civil war with their neighboring islands, now recognized as independent to the mainland. The war was centered on a dispute between the Elves and mankind, the former of which wanted to splinter off into a different country due to cultural and religious differences. Midway through the war, the Paladins threw their support behind the Teian forces and ended the war prematurely. Neither side wants to admit they lost, but both kinda did. The wounds are still fresh.   Mirratha: Majority human, with a close second being Drakaan. Mirratha has a looser governing system that encourages both trading and pillaging, with a culture of rowdiness. Many professional pirates and mercenaries come from Mirratha. Their ships are the fastest in the Three Realms, and their sailors and warriors highly respected. They have no organized religion as such, but practice a form of local paganism probably picked up by trade with Halvoa carried on by ritual and superstition.   Halvoa: a coastal kingdom, Halvoans live in the dangerous and ruthless forests that consume the landscape. Halvoans tend to be more reserved and suspicious as a people. Halvoan polytheism worships many Gods of nature, mainly four major Gods: 1) Belsam, the god of the Wind and of knowledge, 2) Sephram, goddess of the ocean, trade, and business, 3) Granna, goddess of earth, plant life, and medicine and 4) Ellanth, god of fire, love, and storytelling.
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