The solar winds Galactic History Timeline
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Galactic History

The story of the galaxy as best our records can tell us

The Age of the Ancients

8687 AE 4771 AE

Four dominating races inhabited the galaxy: The Ancients, Ezsh'der the Doryu, The "Fourth Race", and The Darkness

  • 686 ANC

    The Intruders arrive
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Darkness (a.k.a. The Intruders, The Madness) first intrudes into this dimension of space

  • 709 ANC

    790 ANC

    The First Great Horror
    Disaster / Destruction

    The armies and navies of the Darklings invade and infest the galaxy seeking to overrun the Three Great Races and conquer or obliterate all life

  • 1803 ANC

    1840 ANC

    The Second Great Horror
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Darkness returns with armies and navies of Darklings attempting again to conquer or destroy all life

  • 2874 ANC

    3062 ANC

    The Third Great Horror
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Darkness and it's new armies and navies try again for the third time to decimate and destroy all life that will not become part of "the Madness"

  • 3061 ANC

    The Great Races destroy the Amber Crystal
    Military action

    The Great Races track down the Amber Crystal holding open the dimensional tear and destroy it in hopes to permanently shut out The Darkness from ever returning

  • 3065 ANC

    3070 ANC

    The Exodus of the Fourth Race
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Fourth Race leaves the galaxy in pursuit of "other matters"

  • 3069 ANC

    Nomad warns that The Darkness will return
    Diplomatic action

    Nomad warns that "The Madness" (The Darkness) will return again for the fourth time. The Ancients propose building an impenetrable field of energy around the star systems that survived the war. Ezsh'der the Doryu, deeply fearful because of their great loss in the last war, feel that plan will take too long

  • 3072 ANC

    Construction of the Great Frontier of the Ancients Commences
    Construction beginning/end

    With the departure of the Fourth Race, The Ancients devise a bold plan to encircle all the civilized worlds that they and Ezsh'der the Doryu have been protecting during the last war with The Darkness. They begin construction of a network of synchronous pylons to generate a barrier of energy

  • 3073 ANC

    Ezsh'der the Doryu enslave worlds
    Military action

    Desperately paranoid, Ezsh'der the Doryu resolve to enslave all civilizations within their control in order to prevent "The Madness" from having anyone to turn into a Darlking when it returns again

  • 3078 ANC

    The Council of Reconcilliation Fails
    Gathering / Conference

    The Ancients and hold a series of conferences with Ezsh'der the Doryu in order to persuade them against enslavement of civilized worlds under their control but in the end, Ezsh'der the Doryu refused. The Ancients alter their plans on construction of the Great Frontier of the Ancients to exclude Ezsh'der the Doryu and the territory they control

  • 3908 ANC

    Construction of the Great Frontier of the Ancients Concludes
    Construction beginning/end

    The Ancients finish building an impenetrable barrier around all the star systems under their control, thus ending their 832 year project and forever shuting-out the Darkness as well as their one-time allies: Ezsh'der the Doryu

The Age of the Mori

4770 AE 314 PE

The civilization known as The Ancients decays into a lazy and technologically bygone race called the Mori

  • 1 MOR

    111 MOR

    The Great Decline of the Ancients
    Civil action

    Over a period of a hundred years, the Ancients' society fell into decline as political elitist with no real enemy anymore began divisions within the populous and the culture spiraled downward with less and less developing interest in science and engineering in favor of politics and bureaucracy

  • 2220 MOR

    The Mori Forget their Technology
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The Mori no longer remember how to operate or fix any of the super-technologies created by The Ancients but still Benefit from their automation

  • 4590 MOR

    Null 10:00

    The Solar Winds are Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    On the zero'th day of the month of NUL, in the four thousand five hundred and ninetieth year of the Mori (180 AE), Sir Edwin Norfolk's shuttle is nearly destroyed in a transport mishap where he stumbles upon The Solar Winds

  • 4770 MOR

    13 Ternary 12:00

    The Extermination of Man
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the 13th day of the Month of Ternary in the four thousand seven hundred and seventieth year of the Mori (Year Zero, also known as the Year of Infamy), the Mori destroy all human life they can find, beginning with the surprise attack and subsequent destruction of the human homeworld of Earth.

  • 4771 MOR

    18 Novenary 14:00

    The Great Exodus

    The last surviving humans gather together into a mismatched fugitive fleet and escape the extermination patrols of the Mori as they search for any humans that escaped the destruction

The Age of Unification

314 PE and beyond

The Great Frontier of the Ancients has fallen and all races now interact

  • 6

    13 Hebdoman 23:00

    28 Hebdoman 9:00

    The Madness Returns
    Discovery, Scientific

    Jasper Colkin went into a frenzy of engineering; ripping parts out of lab equipment and feverishly constructing some Frankenstein-like addition to the central power hub before he was sedated by the resident physician and taken into medical observation. He awoke remembering only that he really really needed to put those pieces together for some reason but he cannot describe why. Jasper was released after two weeks of observation showed he had returned to normal