ETA MONOCEROTIS II (a.k.a. EM II, or K6-m2v) Settlement in The Solar Winds | World Anvil
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ETA MONOCEROTIS II (a.k.a. EM II, or K6-m2v)


(a.k.a. EM II, or K6-m2v)
Medium rich volcanic industrial   EM II is a harsh and inhospitable world, and man-kind’s last industrial colony and the only shipyard left to build any starships, either warships or civilian ships. The once powerful Dyantron Corporation owns the planet and is now only a shadow of its former glory, and the last of humanity’s great corporations. The planet and corporation are now both colloquially called “EM II”.   The dour and stoic Mendor Stevins, CEO and head of EM II’s Board of Directors, both hates and loves his newfound relationship with the remnants of the human military. Now being the only manufacturer available, he sells to the military, but is forced to do so at barely above cost, the military can’t afford to pay more, and Stevins won’t dare risk invoking the wrathful notice of the Mori by selling to non-humans; but this arrangement has given him full access to military technological secrets which he could never secure contracts for prior to the Extermination.   Secretly the tycoon plots to overthrow the military and become mankind’s sole ruler, but he is a patient man and like all great strategists, makes one careful and well thought-out step at a time.


90% human; 10% mixed




Obscurity from the Mori's notice, and various hired alien ships in a defense patrol

Industry & Trade

Human ships and warships are manufactured "under the radar" of the Mori in the hopes to replenish the human fleet. Food is imported from Driscal and from neighboring alien worlds. Valuable gems and precious ore are also exported in exchange for textiles and fresh water


Bio-domes, Magmacrust mining drills, shipyards, capital shipyards, oxygen processing plants, water purification plants, ore refineries, fuel refineries, satellite communication grid


Gold, silver, titanium, magmite, phenterite, lead, copper, tin, ozarite, nickle, gems, cadminzaryte, pterololl, salt, iron, and others

Guilds and Factions

The Executive class looks down on the Laborer class as inferior people who were born into this life with the sole ability and understanding necessary to operate the machinery. The Laborer class sees the Executive class as tyrannical and always making their life unfair


Few massive bio-domes and a vast underground network of buildings and facilities


Medium rich volcanic industrial world
Catalog: K6-m2v-I9v-2cpB

Natural Resources

Lots of ore, fuel, precious gems, and minerals, and an abundance of thermal heat
ETA MONOCEROTIS II (EM II, or K6-m2v) Medium rich volcanic industrial
Astronomical Data Parent Star Eta Monocerotis (K5V; orange dwarf)
Orbital Position 2
AU 0.57
orbital period 200 days
rotation 26 hours
Size medium (radius 8,000 km)
gravity 1.2G (standard)
Atmosphere thin; composition primarily methane with traces of hydrogen cyanide
Type volcanic
Satellites 2 (EM IIa, EM IIb rings -)
Civilization Data Civilization industrial
Advancement Level 9
Wealth rich (credit limit - )
Population Data Population 600 (90% human; 10% mixed)
Government corporatocracy
Lawfulness B (lawful)
Habitability Rating 0
Sociological Rating 9
Catalog Code K6-m2v-I9v-2cpB
Alternative Name(s)
Mendor's little empire (derogatory)
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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  • 14 AE

    28 Null 06:00

    Eta Monocerotis II (EM II) colony is established

    The mining colony Eta Monocerotis II is established by the Dyantron Corporation

  • 2 AE

    12 Oct 08:00

    Mendor Stevins rises to Colony Director of EM II
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After the Trevor McKnightly is promoted to Regional Manager, Mendor Stevins rises to fill the Colony Director position

  • 0 AE

    13 Ternary 12:00

    The Extermination of Man
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the 13th day of the Month of Ternary in the four thousand seven hundred and seventieth year of the Mori (Year Zero, also known as the Year of Infamy), the Mori destroy all human life they can find, beginning with the surprise attack and subsequent destruction of the human homeworld of Earth.

  • 1 PE

    18 Novenary 14:00

    The Great Exodus

    The last surviving humans gather together into a mismatched fugitive fleet and escape the extermination patrols of the Mori as they search for any humans that escaped the destruction

    Additional timelines
  • 2 PE

    16 Binar 16:00

    Trevor McKnightly is appointed CEO of Dyantron Corporation
    Life, Publicity

    After Felix Dyantron III was killed when his private shuttle was destroyed (reportedly by a Mori scout vessel) Trevor McKnightly self-appointed himself President and CEO of Dyantron Corporation


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