Parvati Moneta Character in The Sol System | World Anvil
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Parvati Moneta

Parvati Moneta has been a scavenger all of her life, making do with whatever she could find - or steal. It's the way things are. The rich and powerful have and take what they want, and the rest of the system lives off whatever scraps fall from their table. Parvati has learned where to find and collect all of the best scraps, so much so that she can afford to sell some to those able to pay, and maybe have the potential to begin changing the game a little. Like a lot of Belters aligned with with The Outer Planets Alliance, Parvati is tired of the exploitation from the Inner Planets and wants to give the Belters a seat at the table, rather than lurking under it.   Moneta's goal is to build her power base on Ganymede station, sensing that big things are happening. With tensions rising, chances are good that the Inner Planets will go to war at any time, and that will be when the OPA and the Belt can act. Of course, one of the obstacles in Moneta's way is Orn Aquilo's influence over the black market on Ganymede, but now fate has offered her Leverage against Aquilo along with some valuable cargo in the bargain. The crime boss's latest sugarbaby wants out, and is willing to betray her lover to get it, which suits Parvati just fine.   Parvati Moneta has the tall, thin build of a Belter, her heritage primarily South Asian and Mediterranean. Her straight black hair is worn long on one side, and almost completely shaved on the other, and she wears the tattoo of her OPA cell on her right bicep. Moneta is lean and graceful, and particularly good with a knife in close combat; she always carries at least 2 concealed on her person.  

The Sommelier Crew

  Unfortunately for Parvati, her trust in the Sommelier crew was unfounded, and after double-crossing both her and Orn Aquilo, her OPA cell was ambushed and she did not survive the firefight. Her death at the hands of Aquilo's gang has only fueled the rage of the Moneta OPA cell, and they will definitely place her death on the shoulders of the PCs.


Parvati Moneta


Towards Orn Aquilo


Orn Aquilo


Towards Parvati Moneta


2329 CE 2358 CE 29 years old
Aligned Organization
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